Just another "Person Of Interest"
@RogueGuy thank you for the support. You're not the only one who 'pestered' PIU. Randy said they had a list going even before they arrived.
@someTooL if this order sells well enough then there will be others.
@stark1 International shipping with Royal Mail is $13 so compared to other carriers it's cheap.
Condensers have been in all my stems from the beginning it's only the Ti hot ends that are 'new'.
I figured if I'm offering airport's then they'd best be bloody good ones.
Fully open, fully closed or somewhere in between the option is now available.
The adjusting mechanism works well but as ever this is just the first version and things are in the works for a sexier Ti PHAAF.
I was ORIGINALLY going to say,
"You know, there's going to come a time when it's next to IMPOSSIBLE to OUTDO yourself!"
But then I re-watched THIS video that you shared with us back in July, and realized just how FOOLISH a statement that would really be!
Your Work, Ideas and EXCEPTIONAL Skill, are simply an ENDLESS well of... W O W !!!

Like SO MANY of the members, here, (both, MASTER Accessory Makers and plain old gawker's/vapers, like myself)
It's an HONOR just to know you,
and a real TREAT to see each new Work Of Art!

Congrats on the new airflow adjustment system!
You HAVE, indeed, OUTDONE yourself, AGAIN!

Happy Vaping!

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