I flatten mine by pressing them under my metal grinder with full body weight and or roll them under the side of the grinder rollin' pin style. Seems to me the hammer technique might shorten their lifespan a bit.
Also I've soaked my caps in ISO for up to a week with no detectable negative results.
As for flattening the CCD, I'll put mine between two pennies and flatten it that way. Works every time!
As for the infamous soaking of caps in ISO.
Some of you will agree with this obviously, and many of you will not.
I soak the sucker!
Never for more than 30 minutes or so though. I then scrub down the out and inside extremely well, wash it out thoroughly with dishwashing liquid and water and then I'll set that in front of a fan for about another 20 minutes to dry.
I've never had a problem with the bi-metal discs working properly after cleaning it in this manner.
Just make SURE after the ISO it gets washed out THOROUGHLY and DRIED TWICE AS THOROUGHLY!
@StringTheorista and
@Alexis thanks for reminding me about peppermint oil!
People forget that because these are vaporizers you can vaporize more than just happy herb. Your favorite strain is not the only thing that can provide useful and effective aromatherapy. LOL
And peppermint is a great one because it has lots of positive qualities!
In regards to the heating and cooling clicks.
Because there are TWO metal discs crimped into that cap and they CAN and usually DO click somewhat distinctively and separately, people treat the second heat up click as the respect the click point.
That is incorrect!
That second disc is simply a BACKUP in case the first FAILS to work.
It is that FIRST heat up click that you should be paying attention to for the time to OFFICIALLY remove the heat from your cap!
I treat it the OPPOSITE in the other direction.
I wait until I have heard the second cool down click before removing from the heat sink, If I'm just cooling it down.
I cool down to the first cool down click if I'm fixing to do another cycle.
If anything, the second heat up click is the EXTRA second or two BEYOND the respect the click point that is always referred to.
If you go beyond THAT, you're now in the extreme danger zone for combustion and it's one of the major reasons why so many people accidentally combust and never saw it coming.
I'm fixing to get better acquainted with some purple Hindu Kush,
or if you're from Oregon, Jager!
Happy Vaping!