Somewhere North of The Wall
I've found that overnight in iso is adequate without removing screen/clips.I can't wait to get my Vong baby. I'm gonna be rippin' it left and right. It'll be, like, bahh bahh all night long!
Shit yeah
So anyway, I was thinking of soaking my Ti tip in iso for a few days. I would remove the o-rings first. I have accidentally combusted a few times and its got a little stink in it right now. I'd give the condenser a soak too.
If you give the Ti tip a few days in iso and have at it with a q-tip, do you really need to remove the clip and take out the ceramic screen to clean it?
I did take the o-rings off though.
I've also had success removing the o-rings and torching too, but it does colour the Ti (a lovely blue

Just don't try both at the same time!