You really need to practice with the VapCap
@waxdab23 as it took me at least 15 bowls to get the hang of it & I am using a single flame torch while waiting for my lighter shipment. I first thought there may have been something wrong but trust me when you "get it" you will find it hard to put down

After spending the day with some 1 on 1 time with the VapCap I did not combust once (got damm close a couple of times) & had only one UD stem & 15-20 VapCap stems. One of the most appealing things to me with the VapCap is that is feels like a cigarette in my hand. So much so that I cupped it like I would a joint & managed to burn the side of my pinky

I am finding that a good load in the VapCap tends to go something like
First heat cycle: Two draws mostly flavour but sometimes rich vapor
Second heat cycle: Two draws of premium vapour
Third heat cycle: Two draws of heavy vapour
Fourth heat cycle: If I run a 4th cycle it is usually a single draw of vapour but it is a fine line so the load is usually pretty spent after 3 cycles.
Tried it through water but I was not a huge fan but will try again later. What is surprising is how cool the vapour is for such a small vapour path.
@phattpiggie that is a sweet looking stem you made & just makes me lust after my incoming Ti burly.