If God is the answer, then the question is wrong
Alright now without further delay, here we have some OneOff's, first up
B&W Ebony
Blue Mahoe - Really hard to show the varying tones in this species
Amboyna Burl
Blackwood & Cocobolo Shorts
Ahhh here is a Bog Oak Set, straight woody, 14 & 18mm Vongs
Bkackwood Vongs 14 & 18mm
Cocobolo Vongs 14 & 18mm
Thanks everyone for your patience! These are in route to George now!
I know it is known but sometimes also important to repeat: how nice is the wood after it passed from Ed's hands and tools!
Can't wait to see them fully assembled, hypnotic looking wood and shining titanium/steal

Don't take my word for it but, if mad max would have had a vaporizer it would have been a vapcap