@Quint, those 2 stems are stunning. Collectors' pieces for sure.

And, blessed you, you're one of those collectors. Not too shabby.
that I'm sure everybody but me already had
An understatement for sure.
@AddictedToCombustion, you know, your questions don't belong in this forum. This forum is for vapcap admirers & connoisseurs & your perpetual, unrelated questions are out of place. Do as
@SloJimFizz suggested, start a thread in the Ask FC Forum -- Need help finding a vape. Tell them everything you're looking for in a vape & a bunch of people will post with suggestions. Then, you can go to the thread & read/research about the vape -- & when you know just enough, then, you can start asking educated questions of that community to get you where you going -- finding out if you think it's the right vape for you. You can't just jump in at the end of a thread & ask unrelated product questions. So, please do start that thread.

And realize that making a selection takes time. If your funds are unlimited, then grab something less expensive just to hold you over while you're searching for your dream vape.
- Caps doesn't fit good.
The caps I got during the flash sale are larger that the caps I got back in July with the Ms, and even back then, I thought the M's caps could have been tighter. So, yeah, these caps are even looser than those 7 months ago. And seat, even slightly looser, on the new 7-fins. So I put the old caps on the new tips which works well & then squeezed the new caps
enough & put them on the old tips.

That's why I always thought it wise to purchase the same item between mfr. runs because of variance, & at this level of metal milling intricacy even being off the thickness of a hair (???

) can throw off the consistency of coupling between parts.
@VapCap I want you to discuss in a future livefeed why those mfr'ing discrepancies occur. I'm seriously interested in knowing.

Maybe some production video with your talk-over explaining what's going on.