60 going on 20
There is a torch light thread on this forum, just use the search query. I just checked amazon uk and found the honest triple torch that is probably the best balance of size, fuel capacity and performance that I have found. It has been reliable, easy to purge and refill, and performs well.i guess ill just wait for dynavap to release thier model it looks really nice guys which lighter would u reccomend need a reliable one im currently using zenga jet lighter it runs out after 4 bowls of the vapcap m and need to refill it daily
Take your time here.....I see that you're new here, don't know if you lurked before you joined (I did for months), but play with the search engine, type in random queries, get a feel for how it works......if you are patient you will find a shit ton of great information, advice and camaraderie on this forum.
Good luck on your quest