DDave Mod for SSV/ DBV/ LSV


Well-Known Member
Hey! ive been meaning to pop in to ask: what is the most typical size for the water adapter? I don't have one in mind, but eBay asks to specify... Also,current users, any suggestion on which piece would be the best for a "second" in the kit? Better to get a second of the larger or smaller wand? (As per your offer)
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Vape Wizard
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Hey! ive been meaning to pop in to ask: what is the most typical size for the water adapter? I don't have one in mind, but eBay asks to specify... Also,current users, any suggestion on which piece would be the best for a "second" in the kit? Better to get a second of the larger or smaller wand? (As per your offer)
Hey, :rockon:

18mm for water pipe or 14mm waterpipe adapter also makes great mouthpiece for using whip dry.

Second piece... hmmm, which kit?
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Vape Wizard
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Ddave complete for ssv... Ebay jmoradza
Cool, so if that's the V1.75 with both sizes of mods, I'd almost consider both whip to water tool adapters. Since for the shipping delay you get to name the additional piece, I almost think that would be best bet. Would give the most variety out of the kit and the 14mm Whip-water tool adapter makes a nice mouthpiece if you decide to vape dry (without water tool attached).

Hope that helps! :rockon:


Well-Known Member
So I screwed up and ordered the wrong set DDave parts off of eBay. When I got the automatic conformation of the order I sent in a correction request I got a quick to the point response telling me what I had to do on my end to help fix my fuck up. So, thanks guy I just want you to know I appreciate your help.
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Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
So I screwed up and ordered the wrong set DDave parts off of eBay. When I got the automatic conformation of the order I sent in a correction request I got a quick to the point response telling me what I had to do on my end to help fix my fuck up. So, thanks guy I just want you to know I appreciate your help.
No worries... glad to help!



Well-Known Member
Cool, so if that's the V1.75 with both sizes of mods, I'd almost consider both whip to water tool adapters. Since for the shipping delay you get to name the additional piece, I almost think that would be best bet. Would give the most variety out of the kit and the 14mm Whip-water tool adapter makes a nice mouthpiece if you decide to vape dry (without water tool attached).

Hope that helps! :rockon:

Hey, looks like I'm gonna have to stop dragging my feet here; I had originally thought maybe an additional wand to allow me and my compatriots to each have one ready to roll- no current plans for water tool hell, with my current situation it's already fairly involved to simply whip vape, I can't imagine adding another stop along that line and the desktop real estate it would require--- although now that I think of it, maybe a handheld water tool, a la arizer air or pinnacle pro, might be a good one hander mouthpiece... :hmm: hmmmmm...
but i digress...

either way, with stock, regular, and mini mod, I suppose I have plenty of wands available, who cares if they're slightly different capacity (siiiigh. I guess I'll take the big one... :D) and I think that the group sessions of yore have gone the way of the Dodo for me I am a solo flyer literally 99% of the time.

Not that you care!

So I guess what I'm saying is, I'll defer to you, and choose both adapters.

And none too soon; I think I'm getting used to the stock wand, and I can't afford this bowl size!


Well-Known Member
Dang. Dragged my feet too long it seems... So received my kit, still tuning into proper use, but so far pleased! Using the micro and really packing a punch. (Laser blasted the first pack and combusted! Oops!)
But seems as if I was too slow specifying my second "order delay" glass piece from the kit. You had recommended both water adapters, but instead, I think I got two of 18-14 adapters. Is that right? Though they are slightly different heights, one slightly shorty-er. Is there anything I can do with this extra? Seems I hemmed and hawed too long over choosing an additional wand vs additional wp adapter, that I ended up with the only thing that I can't scrape any additional function out of. Unless I'm missing something.
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Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
Dang. Dragged my feet too long it seems... So received my kit, still tuning into proper use, but so far pleased! Using the micro and really packing a punch. (Laser blasted the first pack and combusted! Oops!)
But seems as if I was too slow specifying my second "order delay" glass piece from the kit. You had recommended both water adapters, but instead, I think I got two of 18-14 adapters. Is that right? Though they are slightly different heights, one slightly shorty-er. Is there anything I can do with this extra? Seems I hemmed and hawed too long over choosing an additional wand vs additional wp adapter, that I ended up with the only thing that I can't scrape any additional function out of. Unless I'm missing something.

Apologies friend, as soon as I got pieces in hand I got kits out the door with the info I had. What you did receive is a beta mod, though it seems my email did not make it through to you so you were aware. I will check on that.

Anyway, the slightly longer 14/18 reducer is something that I've called The Concentration Chamber. To use, first sit it on its narrow end, so the wide rimmed side faces the ceiling. Drop a tiny basket screen into the opening, open-rimmed side up. With a pencil or something that fits, 'GENTLY' press the basket down so it's rim is level and so if you turn the whole chamber upside down, that it doesn't fall out.

Now insert the wand with basket. You end up with an enclosed basket, or basically two basket screens opposing each other, creating a small enclosed area in the middle.

This mod has proven great for:
* even lower amounts of herb or,
* hash (experiment with whole or breaking it up)
* a concentrate blast (on cotton or hemp fiber works but would advise hemp fiber.. less mess)

Enjoy! Any feedback appreciated.

Also, word of warning. I did have the screens made pretty strong, so pounding that tiny screen into place will split that piece of glass with ease. Only need enough press to keep it in place.


Well-Known Member
Apologies friend, as soon as I got pieces in hand I got kits out the door with the info I had. What you did receive is a beta mod, though it seems my email did not make it through to you so you were aware. I will check on that.

Anyway, the slightly longer 14/18 reducer is something that I've called The Concentration Chamber. To use, first sit it on its narrow end, so the wide rimmed side faces the ceiling. Drop a tiny basket screen into the opening, open-rimmed side up. With a pencil or something that fits, 'GENTLY' press the basket down so it's rim is level and so if you turn the whole chamber upside down, that it doesn't fall out.

Now insert the wand with basket. You end up with an enclosed basket, or basically two basket screens opposing each other, creating a small enclosed area in the middle.

This mod has proven great for:
* even lower amounts of herb or,
* hash (experiment with whole or breaking it up)
* a concentrate blast (on cotton or hemp fiber works but would advise hemp fiber.. less mess)

Enjoy! Any feedback appreciated.

Also, word of warning. I did have the screens made pretty strong, so pounding that tiny screen into place will split that piece of glass with ease. Only need enough press to keep it in place.

Email looks to be my fault, I guess "my" ebay is "our" ebay and the emails go to the wife (so much for dealing on the downlow!:cool:)

In any case , ahem.. beta mod. yes, yes, you saw my potential as a tester- wise choice, sir, indeed.

any how; (without attempting as of yet) I don't see how it allows for even smaller amounts, and how to pack. Do you just load the wand-side basket as normal? or the adapter (heater cover side) basket? both? i see its benefit as to limiting herb blown back into the HC, but the angle of the silver surfer does pretty good on its own... I guess I don't get what the HCside basket does...

orrrrrr... maybe I'm using the shorty adapter wrong (leaving it installed on HC, inserting and withdrawing the micro wand only)-should I be leaving it "on" the micro wand and inserting and withdrawing the whole wand-adapter combo as one? then maybe fill TCC basket and the wand side basket, putting together pre-insertion?
but that doesn't make sense. doesn't help that you get more impaired with every practice run...:ko:


Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
In any case , ahem.. beta mod. yes, yes, you saw my potential as a tester- wise choice, sir, indeed.

I don't see how it allows for even smaller amounts, and how to pack.
Packing depends on what you're packing.

* herbs: same as when initially loading the screen into TCC, drop a bit of herb into this chamber. Then insert the micro wand. Place the combo into the SSV heater cover.

* hash: same as herbs unless crazy sticky. If sticky, load into the microwand for ease of cleaning

* concentrates: load hemp fiber or cotton into microwand basket along with concentrate. Only little fiber material is required and you should be able to clear it in a single draw, unless low temps used.

i see its benefit as to limiting herb blown back into the HC,
A side benefit of double screen enclosure.

fill TCC basket and the wand side basket, putting together pre-insertion?
Yes, but no need to load both ends. Only TCC end. If larger quantity of herbs is desired, from them in the TCC. When you insert the microwand it will compress them and 'concentrate' the heated airflow. Should give a nice cloud as result!

Looking forward to your test runs!

Another warning ;). Please only test when nothing important is going on or needs to be done! Many of my testers have been known to KO! :rockon:


Well-Known Member

* herbs: same as when initially loading the screen into TCC, drop a bit of herb into this chamber. Then insert the micro wand. Place the combo into the SSV heater cover.

So, is this SOP for "regular" mode on the micro?
1) insert basket into wand,
2) vaccuum load basket with herb,
3) "embiggen" micro wand by capping with adapter,
4) insert whole kit into HC
5) rinse, repeat

if so, it may answer my next question:
Am I doing something wrong? I keep losing the micro basket inside the installed shorty adapter; I withdraw micro wand, and it's lost it's basket, jammed into the shorty (basket rim diameter equal to or greater than micro GG tip, seems inevitable) I then remove adapter, ream it out, try again. I am consciously trying to not jam it in so deep that it sticks, but keeps happening...

It seems more correcter(er) to leave the adapter connected and insert micro basket combo only, but what do I know, I just work here.

I've yet to use original size, so don't know if I'll need to be wary of getting it stuck inside as well; THAT seems it might take quite a bit more effort to fish out than with the removable adapter. I only thought of that as I typed- now I'm scared!:uhoh:
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Well-Known Member
Okay. :tup: Went back to the lab.
Definitely wand-basket-load-adapter=>HC :razz:tadaaaaaaa
Oh and regular basket clears GG section of HC easily (can see it through the clear portion) so sticking seemingly wont be an issue...
sorry, I know this isn't feedback you need, just talking myself through it...

Ill have to grab some concentrate... I have a bit of wax, and an asphalt-hard rock of "hash" from somewhere...

BUT! I have to say, this is exactly what I've been missing since getting into vaping-the ability to rip down a tiny "snapper" as fast as you can hit it, and move along!
For all the patting myself on the back i do for eliminating "combustion", the time involved in a session feels a little excessive most of the time. Ain't nobody gat time for that!
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Well-Known Member
Love the SSV and LSV mods. Does one of the 7th floor ceramic discs fit in any of them? Or is hemp fiber the best solution? Or how about the Crafty Pads?
Still having a problem picturing what is going on with the above example of the enclosed basket. Maybe a picture sometime might help. Is it one small screen's base capping the small screen with the load?
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Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
this is exactly what I've been missing since getting into vaping-the ability to rip down a tiny "snapper" as fast as you can hit it, and move along!
Ditto! 95% of the time it's Hit and Run for me! Needed quick/complete extractions!
Does one of the 7th floor ceramic discs fit in any of them?
Not sure. Don't have access to one. Can you provide size or pic next to a ruler?

Still having a problem picturing what is going on with the above example of the enclosed basket. Maybe a picture sometime might help. Is it one small screen's base capping the small screen with the load?
Here's a couple pics that might help! The 18/14 reducer gets a screen. The 14mm wand gets a screen. Insert wand into reducer and you get the enclosure I referenced. This can allow you to vape less than even the micro mod, if you wished, as you wouldn't even need herb enough to make any kind of pack. The enclosure would hold it in place even if the herbs were moving around within.




Well-Known Member
Thanks. Wow, never would have figured that out. Like it.
Discs say: 11.67mm, 13.42mm, and 17 mm on 7th Floor site
Not sure how big a Crafty screen is
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Doom Walrus
I received my DDave Econo & Micro-Mod for SSV 1.75 last night and felt compelled to report.
The product works incredibly well, simple, perfectly explained, efficiency like crazy.
I have not had a nose-tingling, flavorful, beautiful hit of anything like my trusty SSV with the DDave Mod. No need to stir!
So much more control over the dosage.

I would re-buy this product immediately if it were broken. This is now my favorite SSV accessory i have ever purchased (standard wand, standard w/tweak mod, ground glass wand, custom ground glass wand, LSV wand.)

Also of note:
Being a musician/computer worker, tendonitis/nerve issues make lots of wand handling/manipulating of accessories. annoying, and this provides the ideal way to take a single perfect dose without the need to do much.



Vapor concierge
I gotta say, every time I use the mod with my ssv I am floored. It's the perfect one-hitter at home. One big, satisfying hit and it's cached, and when I dump out the dust (it's not technically enough herb to be truly called a load!) I can't believe how little there is!


Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
I received my DDave Econo & Micro-Mod for SSV 1.75 last night and felt compelled to report.
The product works incredibly well, simple, perfectly explained, efficiency like crazy.
I have not had a nose-tingling, flavorful, beautiful hit of anything like my trusty SSV with the DDave Mod. No need to stir!
So much more control over the dosage.

I would re-buy this product immediately if it were broken. This is now my favorite SSV accessory i have ever purchased (standard wand, standard w/tweak mod, ground glass wand, custom ground glass wand, LSV wand.)

Also of note:
Being a musician/computer worker, tendonitis/nerve issues make lots of wand handling/manipulating of accessories. annoying, and this provides the ideal way to take a single perfect dose without the need to do much.


I gotta say, every time I use the mod with my ssv I am floored. It's the perfect one-hitter at home. One big, satisfying hit and it's cached, and when I dump out the dust (it's not technically enough herb to be truly called a load!) I can't believe how little there is!
@Raskin666 @stickstones , and everyone who's posted feedback...

Glad you like the Mods and thanks for taking time to post this feedback on your experiences with it!

You've really hit on the goals of the kits. Control of Dosage, Flavor, Stirring, Economy (less herb usage), One-Hitter, Ease of Use and Maintenance...etc.

You've also made my day! The Arizer and 7th Floor tower vapes are all awesome units! With some tuning and variety, they turn very awesome!

I'm glad to be able to give back to this community and those in need everywhere! You may know of my story dealing with Vertigo... The herb gave me my life back, but gaining control over the herb let me live it!


Well-Known Member
...everyone who's posted feedback...

Glad you like the Mods and thanks for taking time to post this feedback on your experiences with it!

...annnnnd I'm out.

Just got back from the garage, where I somehow flung the shorty adapter off the end of the Micro onto possibly the single non-clothing-covered spot of floor, resulting in a spectacular *POP* of glass and sadness :doh:...and bringing an end to my quest to find the smallest. possible. bowl.
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Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
...annnnnd I'm out.

Just got back from the garage, where I somehow flung the shorty adapter off the end of the Micro onto possibly the single non-clothing-covered spot of floor, resulting in a spectacular *POP* of glass and sadness :doh:...and bringing an end to my quest to find the smallest. possible. bowl.
I 'liked' this post, then I 'unliked' it, then I 'liked' it again. I'm torn!

PM me :rockon:


Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
Thanks usps...
I've had very very few reports of anything arriving broken, and nothing ever to this extent.

Your USPS person look anything like this?

All joking aside. That is some serious breakage. You in the USA?
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