Love this and thank you. You are very close to accurate with your %'s. It will of course vary based on the firmness of the pack.Haven't had the need to use the spacers to date, but hopefully can answer your question in this manner. When I measure the ceramic part of the bowl it's approximately 17 mm in depth. So the 10 mm spacer will occupy close to 60% of the bowl. The 5 mm spacer will occupy approximately 30%. Keep in mind that the pearl also occupies space in the bowl when the lid is closed and will reduce the bowl size even further if extended. Note: Both spacers can not be used together even with the pearl completely retracted.
Likely my measurements and percentages are off, but the IQ series are certainly at the top of the list of portable micro dosers. Hope this helps.
Thank you for your input. I would only caution against such language that can be received as invalidating someone else's interpretation of the "mircodosing" experience. It's an interpretation at the end of the day, and very much individualistic. Anything less than an average "norm" could be very well considered a micro-dosage of sorts. And amount or frequency is all relative.All very good info!
But I disagree with the microdosing - you still need a decent amount to make any of the IQ series work well, even with spacer, so I personally do not consider this a good vape for microdosers.
I guess it all depends on what amount constitutes microdosing. For me, if it needs more than 0.1g to work well, it isn’t a microdoser. To me a microdosing is in the 0.05 range or less.
I am sure I have some amounts written down somewhere for both the IQ2 and MiQro (my experiences) and will try to add more info to this post when I find them.
Now, there's some huge validity in what "works well", and that part I do emphasize. We are aligned that .1g and above is very much a solid baseline amount to work up from.
Your method also very well can be considered "microdosing" as yours is more focused on the amount you take in, rather than the amount loaded.I stand corrected. I've just used the SS dosing capsules to date, with the method of one or two draws then removing and reusing later. Not a method for flavour chasers agreed, but for medicating works great for me.
Can think of several portable on demand, battery powered convection vapes that would be on the top of the list as well. Undoubtedly more.
You have a wealth of experience, thank you for your willingness to share it.
All GREAT insights everyone!