
Clean First Technology
Haven't had the need to use the spacers to date, but hopefully can answer your question in this manner. When I measure the ceramic part of the bowl it's approximately 17 mm in depth. So the 10 mm spacer will occupy close to 60% of the bowl. The 5 mm spacer will occupy approximately 30%. Keep in mind that the pearl also occupies space in the bowl when the lid is closed and will reduce the bowl size even further if extended. Note: Both spacers can not be used together even with the pearl completely retracted.

Likely my measurements and percentages are off, but the IQ series are certainly at the top of the list of portable micro dosers. Hope this helps.
Love this and thank you. You are very close to accurate with your %'s. It will of course vary based on the firmness of the pack.

All very good info!

But I disagree with the microdosing - you still need a decent amount to make any of the IQ series work well, even with spacer, so I personally do not consider this a good vape for microdosers.

I guess it all depends on what amount constitutes microdosing. For me, if it needs more than 0.1g to work well, it isn’t a microdoser. To me a microdosing is in the 0.05 range or less.
I am sure I have some amounts written down somewhere for both the IQ2 and MiQro (my experiences) and will try to add more info to this post when I find them.
Thank you for your input. I would only caution against such language that can be received as invalidating someone else's interpretation of the "mircodosing" experience. It's an interpretation at the end of the day, and very much individualistic. Anything less than an average "norm" could be very well considered a micro-dosage of sorts. And amount or frequency is all relative.

Now, there's some huge validity in what "works well", and that part I do emphasize. We are aligned that .1g and above is very much a solid baseline amount to work up from.

I stand corrected. I've just used the SS dosing capsules to date, with the method of one or two draws then removing and reusing later. Not a method for flavour chasers agreed, but for medicating works great for me.

Can think of several portable on demand, battery powered convection vapes that would be on the top of the list as well. Undoubtedly more.

You have a wealth of experience, thank you for your willingness to share it.
Your method also very well can be considered "microdosing" as yours is more focused on the amount you take in, rather than the amount loaded.

All GREAT insights everyone!


Well-Known Member
I bought the capsules and fit OK, unfortunately not of great help for my issue that is of low efficiency, little vapour and not so complete extraction. Compared with Solo II or Mighty or Dynavap, ...it seems questionable. Not really happy with the purchase. Tried several grindings, different spacers, different ball adjustments, simply not really convinced. It is a very nice and small piece of kit but really not happy with it. I may be missing something really.


Cognitive Dissonance D 5
Sorry that your not getting the results that you were hoping for. As with any new vape a little experimenting is usually necessary. Been using the SS dosing pods with good results. I prepare them by using a fine grind, with a firm/tight pack and temp step from 400/410F up wards to 430F through the session. Smart path 4 will work as well.

These temps were higher than I normally vape at, but dosing pods need more heat and time because of the additional mass needed to be heated. Ceramic more than SS.

Enjoy my DV as well and able to replicate a dialed in torch extraction by using the method above. Definitely thicker vapor than my Air2 which is similar to the Solo2.

Below is a direct quote from @Davinci_vaporizer that helped me zero in on my technique.

"Just want to chime in here and put focus on that a firmer pack will increase vapor production. Some other contributors will be the moisture/dryness of your flower, the grind of course. We recommend medium coarse to just above fine grind. Oh and let's not forget well temperature, amount loaded, and length of draw.​
Most importantly though, the firmness of the pack. DaVinci is all about conduction heating. That being said, you want as much material in contact with each other, and pressed against the walls of the oven. Conduction will heat evenly and most effectively. Do you want to pack it so tight that it's a puck of flower? Absolutely not. Just a solid tamp in between "scoops" does the trick.​
The 3 in 1 tool that we offer has a blunt end and that end is a PERFECT tamper for our oven size. If not that, then I have a personal share where I use the eraser side of a brand new pencil. (Also the brand new pencil eraser tamps the pods VERY WELL).​
Now, with pods, don't be afraid to really tamp it to the top. If you see the image we shared on IG today, it is right at the top. Then you push that pod cap in and you got a nice solid pack. (Yes some flower may push out of the side grooves at the top of the pod, so do it over a rolling tray or surface where you normally load things."​
Plenty of knowledgeable IQ owners who can assist on this thread. Let us know your progress with the IQC.​


Hello, I have some problem with my davinci iqc. I use it not very often (twice a week) and when I put a battery in it iqc shows a status of the battery firstly then I turn it on and wait for heating but while it's heating it shows the battery's status again and it has half charged after some time low charged and in the end the device powers down. I tried to change batteries but the same result. Also I noticed that when I push on up side of the battery's lid it works almost good but when I stop preasure it turnes off instantly. Do you have any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Finally I get to try out my Iqc tonight. With work commitments etc I’ve been away for a week and took my pax 2 with me. I did a burn off last week and that’s all I’ve managed to do with the Iqc. Zirconia spacers are en route from DaVinci and I have just received a pack of the stainless steel dosing caps.
I’m a lightweight so I don’t want to use the .5 gram oven without a good form of reduction.
I filled a dosing cap fairly well up to the top without ramming it in there before screwing it closed. So after work tonight I’ll take it on its maiden voyage and report back.


Well-Known Member
Interesting, Mr Bond.....

Curios vape. My thoughts in no particular order....

Hits well at 185°

Tighter draw resistance than expected (only a little better than the miqro)

Using ss caps it gives semi decent clouds

4 pulls has considerably darkened my dosing cap contents (at 185°)

Not keen on the rubber mouthpiece, I'll be ordering the iq2 zirconia one

Lastly, I'm keen to try the zirconia spacers I have on order from the US. I believe from reading online they perform slightly better cloud wise and also have better draw resistance.

All in, after my first couple of sessions I like it.


Cognitive Dissonance D 5
Glad to hear you are experiencing some success! On my temp regulated vapes I would always vape at the same temps you mentioned. Because of the addition mass of the SS pods and the additional time to heat I decided to up the temp to 205/210C +. Was very weary of the vapor being to hot, but to my surprise the long air path, thick zirconian flavor/cooling chamber and mouth piece cools it admirably. Dense, cool vapor is what I received. Another unexpected was that the flavor really doesn't degrade that quickly even at higher temps like other conduction vapes.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Zirconia spacers arrived and I have tried a couple of sessions with them. They definitely have better draw resistance 👍. Like the ss dosing caps, they need a bit longer to 'heat soak' after the vape reaches temp to work for clouds.

I generally prefer 2 to 4 quick blasts on my vapes of an evening, but I'm enjoying the routine of the iqc.

A very well made and capable vape.


Well-Known Member
Hello, I have some problem with my davinci iqc. I use it not very often (twice a week) and when I put a battery in it iqc shows a status of the battery firstly then I turn it on and wait for heating but while it's heating it shows the battery's status again and it has half charged after some time low charged and in the end the device powers down. I tried to change batteries but the same result. Also I noticed that when I push on up side of the battery's lid it works almost good but when I stop preasure it turnes off instantly. Do you have any ideas?
Try a factory reset: While the device is turned off, press all three buttons and hold for 10 seconds until device vibrates.


Cognitive Dissonance D 5
Thought this might be helpful for those considering purchasing and using the glass or zirconian spacers in their IQ. This maybe obvious for some, but for others it could be a bit confusing at first. I fell into the latter group. What I'm referring to is whether the spacer is placed in the oven first and then the herb added, or if the herb is placed in the oven first then the spacer is added?

Heat up times and results would differ quite a bit between the two methods. So what was @Davinci_vaporizer intended method of adding a spacer too a bowl? To add the herb first and then the spacer on top. The way I resolved it was by thinking of the spacer as just an extension of the pearl. The spacer simply creates a smaller oven space with herb still in direct contact with the walls and bottom of the quickly heating oven, much the same as the pearl does. Spacers are just another way for you to enjoy your IQ.


Clean First Technology
Thought this might be helpful for those considering purchasing and using the glass or zirconian spacers in their IQ. This maybe obvious for some, but for others it could be a bit confusing at first. I fell into the latter group. What I'm referring to is whether the spacer is placed in the oven first and then the herb added, or if the herb is placed in the oven first then the spacer is added?

Heat up times and results would differ quite a bit between the two methods. So what was @Davinci_vaporizer intended method of adding a spacer too a bowl? To add the herb first and then the spacer on top. The way I resolved it was by thinking of the spacer as just an extension of the pearl. The spacer simply creates a smaller oven space with herb still in direct contact with the walls and bottom of the quickly heating oven, much the same as the pearl does. Spacers are just another way for you to enjoy your IQ.
This is spot on, and thank you for sharing your results back to the thread!
Just received q2 is it possible to turn off in the middle of a session and return later to finish?
Yes, of course.
Yes, I do. But keep drawing for a good few seconds after turning off to reduce temp in the oven.
Using the BOOST mode and allowing it to go into COOLDOWN also does this. When in cooldown, the power to the oven is cut off, and readily available for you to hit any button to return to where you were in your session, or automatically shuts off in 2 mins. One of our engineers uses this mode constantly when gaming, as sometimes he will not return back to it right away and found a better way to preserve your load from accidental overheating.


Well-Known Member
After nearly a week experimenting between the spacers and the ss dosing caps, I can say that I definitely prefer the zirconia spacers.

Better / lesser draw resistance and clouds every time.

Another lesson I've learnt, from both advice on here and by playing around, is to start every session with the iqc at smart path 2. I was previously starting too low at around the 170° mark and was only getting light hints of flavour and no clouds at all.

My personal preference is 4 good slow pulls on smart path 2. Turn it off while still drawing on it to cool down the oven.

Then come back to the same load on smart path 3 later on for another 4 pulls.

All with a fairly firm pack and the 10mm spacer.


Clean First Technology
Thank you foy your answer. I decided it in another way. I put a cooper plate between battery's lid and the battery and now it works better then before I think.
Oh, so this sounds like the tension in the spring tab on the bottom of the battery chamber has lost strength. That is one way to go about it. If the issue persists, feel free to DM me so we can walk through other possible solutions.


Well-Known Member
Love this and thank you. You are very close to accurate with your %'s. It will of course vary based on the firmness of the pack.

Thank you for your input. I would only caution against such language that can be received as invalidating someone else's interpretation of the "mircodosing" experience. It's an interpretation at the end of the day, and very much individualistic. Anything less than an average "norm" could be very well considered a micro-dosage of sorts. And amount or frequency is all relative.

Now, there's some huge validity in what "works well", and that part I do emphasize. We are aligned that .1g and above is very much a solid baseline amount to work up from.

Completely agree with Jill NYC and disagree that 0.1g is a microdose. Microdose is defined as something that has barely detectable effects. Anyone who doesnt use often or in high doses will definitely feel 0.1g: this is a full vapcap bowl worth of herb. Advertising a device incapable of vaping 0.05g as a microdoser, is IMHO, fraud. Btw, I can do 0.03g on a vapcap and ride the line using the Wand. I still feel effects.

Your method also very well can be considered "microdosing" as yours is more focused on the amount you take in, rather than the amount loaded.

All GREAT insights everyone!

All very good info!

But I disagree with the microdosing - you still need a decent amount to make any of the IQ series work well, even with spacer, so I personally do not consider this a good vape for microdosers.

I guess it all depends on what amount constitutes microdosing. For me, if it needs more than 0.1g to work well, it isn’t a microdoser. To me a microdosing is in the 0.05 range or less.
I am sure I have some amounts written down somewhere for both the IQ2 and MiQro (my experiences) and will try to add more info to this post when I find them.
Please give me all this info! (And compare efficiency and effects to vapcap, TM, solo 2.)


Cognitive Dissonance D 5
Hi @pmthokku I think the gist of the above posts were that micro dosing is very subjective like most other topics when it comes to individual preferences and opinions. I also use a VC for micro dosing, even though it offers none of the enjoyable flavour profiles that the IQ series provides. I normally put the DV through one or two heat cycles whether it be with a IH or torch and then put it down for later. The same method I use with the IQ with spacers or dosing pods. That's how I personally prefer to use it.

Others may prefer a different experience from their vape. So for me the IQ is a micro doser as well a very portable vape that can produce thick, flavorful clouds that can be shared with friends.

If your interested in the topic of 'What constitutes a micro dose' start a new thread on the 'Ask FC' section of this Forum for feed back and opinions of others. Have a wonderful day! :)


Well-Known Member
I bought the capsules and fit OK, unfortunately not of great help for my issue that is of low efficiency, little vapour and not so complete extraction. Compared with Solo II or Mighty or Dynavap, ...it seems questionable. Not really happy with the purchase. Tried several grindings, different spacers, different ball adjustments, simply not really convinced. It is a very nice and small piece of kit but really not happy with it. I may be missing something really.
Is solo 2 vs IQC a fair comparison? Does IQC beat solo 2 in anything?
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