Think it has to do with the relatively poor thermal conductivity of quartz? I know
@invertedisdead understands the physics, but that homie is pretty busy these days designing his industry crusher.
The thicker you go, the more insulative the quartz will act due to its low conductivity and the increased thermal mass.
Eventually you will reach a point where it’s so insulative that it’s impeding heat transfer. I’m of the belief that something with unlimited power delivery (like an enail) benefits from faster heat transfer over extra thermal mass.
When it comes to torched dabs, I consider thermal mass to be more relevant since it’s not got constant power delivery, but things get trickier when we consider insert usage, as thicker quartz can restrict heat transfer to the insert. Especially if the insert is designed for long heat retention itself.
This is one of those things that we as a community have tried to simplify over the years, but I think ultimately different banger sizes, different banger dimensions, different insert materials, etc, are all really dependent of individual dabbing style. The best setup for cold starts probably isn’t the same as the best setup for traditional dabs, or for insert use, or for enail use. Hopefully this type of distinction between all these different vaporization methods will be better understood in the future.