Pretty sure it should last longer than that, I would message Brian at Dnail to get to the bottom of the is about 2 years

Pretty sure it should last longer than that, I would message Brian at Dnail to get to the bottom of the is about 2 years
I've not used the S-series base, only titanium, so I can only compare dish flavor; and of course, flavor differences are all subjective, we have different palates and taste buds so individual's experiences do significant is the difference between SiC and Saphire?
I am really tempted to just jump into the all SiC setup... I fucking hate the slim series parts. Prices be damned.
One of these days I am going to upgrade from the standard SiC setup.
For now, I find it difficult to beat the flavor and efficiency of a nice low temp, up-temp dab. A simple quick torch of the cap works wonders.
The SIC dishes I have match the Nimbus as far as material. I have older SIC dishes that were using the old slurry and I heard on IG that they were using the same slurry as the old.
It's a matter of how hot it is getting to be blunt; even if I quickly move the flame around I create hot spots because I am heating up so much more mass. I have not noticed anything bad from it; I will change up my cleaning as I have the new S-Series Assembly showing up in a few days.
100$ for another Nimbus dish doesn't bother me that much as historically I have made my old sic dish last over a year torching every other day without issue. This is likely because 100$ won't hurt me much.
Don't get the Quartz Dabber from D-nail for 150$ as it's exceptionally easy to bump off while in use sending it flying.
Yea, I uptemp with by heating the ti cap- it is so much more consistent than trying to chase temps with the PID settings. A brief 10s blast with my Blazer and it will RAISE the temp on the nail by only 2-4* over a long draw. It is perfect for me and very efficient in not leaving large puddles on the floor.
I am convinced I need to upgrade setups to sapphire, just so overwhelmed by all the options and what I might get. I am kinda over the slim base...
Hey I had a few questions about Dnail kit.
Is it worth the money? That kit with Sic nimbus dish.
How good is the 1.4 digital controler from dnail.
Prefacing this as a huge dnail fan for a long long time and I am a super huge fan of the SIC Halo.
IMO 99% of dnail product is overpriced, they have been around for ever and they do/have brought out a lot of cool tech but $250 for a COMPLETELY BASIC controller is NOT OK, no promise of "it'll work for years" can justify <$75 in parts for that markup, I also dont feel that paying ~$300+ for a "smart controller" is worth it anymore either but thats another topic for another thread.
IMO the Nimbus and its accompanying kit is still in beta and NOT a final product. I'd/I'm waiting for the next revision of the entire setup before I pull that trigger.
Unless youre set on the Nimbus, Id take the ~$500 you were going to drop on that setup, put $275 of it back in your pocket and pick up an Auber 200 from Auber and banger, gems and coil from 710 coils. This setup will certainly treat you well and will keep you heavily medicated until dnail dials in their Nimbus setup.
Thanks for good info it helped. I will take it all in consideration.
Probably just get the ti- slim and SiC nimbus or halo, Rdk 300.
What works better with the nimbus/halo flat coil 26mm or barrel 28mm.
Hey I had a few questions about Dnail kit.
Is it worth the money? That kit with Sic nimbus dish.
Also was thinking about only buying the nimbus dish and the ti-slim base and then buying a rdk 300.
Then buying a flat coil from 710coils 26mm flat coil or should get the coil from dnail. And would a 28mm barrel be better then a 26mm flat coil.
How good is the 1.4 digital controler from dnail.
Would the flat coil from dnail work better then 710coils 26mm with nimbus?
Dont know the size of dnails flat coil.
That is awesome!! But I am not spending that tonight... do not spend that tonight. Please do not accidentally go buy that tonight. ARGH!
I just don’t want to drop $300+.
I’m wondering if the cap is even necessary, or with the distance between coil and top of banger, if one might be able just finger cap this one.
Anyone else have trouble getting all the concentrate off the forked dabber? I use a SiC halo with forked Ti dabber, been using it over a year and overall love it.
But I often get melted concentrate stuck between the two forks. I take small dabs, so I might actually be wasting a decent amount this way.
I've tried terp diamonds, shatter, sauce (ugh), wax, etc... after most of the dab melts off, I have a hard time getting "all" of it off. I try pressing the tool against the inner wall, the outer wall, just holding it on the bottom of the halo, etc. Sometimes I try to line the fork up with the edge of the halo so the edge goes "inside" the fork.
Sometimes it seems like it does get clean, and then more wax drips down from further up the handle.
I've taken to wiping it off on a paper towel after every dab to ensure maximum flavor, but it's shown me how much is not getting vaporized.
Am I way over-thinking this?