Rhymenocerous ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Ha ha, I wish the answer to that was yes. No idea why that never occurred to me, I've always actually kind of enjoyed using fire to clean them.Gotta ask, have you tried torching them away?
Ha ha, I wish the answer to that was yes. No idea why that never occurred to me, I've always actually kind of enjoyed using fire to clean them.Gotta ask, have you tried torching them away?
I'm not sure if it's a major difference for me, but I definitely taste it. I've gotten really interested in this, it's strange that switching it up like that works. The only thing I don't like about it is I get more pooling in the edges, the d-nail cap does a good job of moving it all around. I'd love to get a glass cap with better airflow to try and figure this out. I've just been using my finger and sliding the glass around to try and mess with draw resistance.If it did i'd be buying one or probably two! The lowpro glass reducer is a very "manual" process. That hole is huge, and you need to learn how to "milk it". It just keeps blowing my mind every single time, in my perfect trifecta of criteria (FES) -> Flavour, Effects, Smoothness!
I'm not sure if it's a major difference for me, but I definitely taste it. I've gotten really interested in this, it's strange that switching it up like that works. The only thing I don't like about it is I get more pooling in the edges, the d-nail cap does a good job of moving it all around. I'd love to get a glass cap with better airflow to try and figure this out. I've just been using my finger and sliding the glass around to try and mess with draw resistance.
Right before I switched over to a quartz banger and axial coil I was going back and forth between the quartz banger aka torch and the SNail sic Halo. I was using an old-school slide in glass combustion bowl that had never been used as a carb cap for the 30mm quartz banger as I had no carb cap for it and I thought would give a similar effect to a bubble cap compared to the Enail metal carb cap. It worked well on the quartz banger so I tried it on the sic Halo. Flavor and vaporization seemed to improve for sure.
We could probably get PV to make us some custom ones ...Gotta ask, have you tried torching them away?
Thanks for the rest of your feedback, it truly is valuable to me. I'm pretty sure i'm going forward with the banger setup from 710coils, but damn this SiC is so much incredibly better with the glass cap, that i'm not sure the banger is worth it just to get rid of the teeny tiny bit of Ti remaining. I think the cap makes a much bigger difference.
Wish D-nail made a GLASS CAP! Would completely change the game, and WORTH the breakability!
We could probably get PV to make us some custom ones ...
@PlanetVape ... just thought I'd tag you here ... I'm sure there are a number of us that would be interested in custom glass carb caps for our d-nail halo's and NewVape VROD's alike (and the NewVape d-Nail Halo equivalent for that matter) ... don't see why it couldn't work for both ... might want to glance at what NV is doing in regards to their carb cap design as well (it's gotten a lot better I believe from the version I have!If the grass isn't any greener on the axial + opaque banger side I will definitely be inquiring about this!
Any new developments in the lab lately?I found an old post from @Monsoon that suggested using a glass low profile reducer as a carb cap
And holy smokes does it work well! Perfect fit and it's awesome to be able to throttle air flow with the finger tap, and super ergonomic and just awesome! I can't even believe the flavour i'm experiencing and don't think I could go back to the D-nail Ti cap now!?It's SO much SMOOTHER and TASTIER!!!
So now i'm even more interested in an all glass setup, though with my dislike for quartz maintenance i'm leaning toward SiC and Sapphire inserts.
And here I was thinking my VAS is over...Back to the lab!
PS. anyone know if there are any actual designed glass caps made for the 28mm halo?
EDIT: My Gen 2 D-nail carb cap is now useless to me. It's been officially REPLACED by the glass reducer!I swear i'm getting more medicated due to smoother vapour! And this flavour OMG!!
But, thanks for passing on the knowledge!
I thought it was taking longer to finish a dab, but now that i'm on micros exclusively (.01-.02g) i'm going to give it another shot!
Once my axial/banger land, i'll be making a decision which one will be staying as my daily, and which one will be sold... I won't be keeping both. Can't wait to see! And happy we can compare notes![]()
I'm interested to hear which one you choose. For me it's been more about usage and cleaning and details like that vs taste and vapor production. I threw a wrench into the decision buying vapor pearls and stuff for them both, I feel like I need to try all sorts of weird combinations before I decide. I'm also thinking more and more I'll end up keeping both.Thanks for sharing your feedback here!And thanks for making me head back to the lab with my lowpro cap!
I thought it was taking longer to finish a dab, but now that i'm on micros exclusively (.01-.02g) i'm going to give it another shot!
Once my axial/banger land, i'll be making a decision which one will be staying as my daily, and which one will be sold... I won't be keeping both. Can't wait to see! And happy we can compare notes
D-nail really should collaborate with a glass blower and make a proper glass cap!
I'm interested to hear which one you choose. For me it's been more about usage and cleaning and details like that vs taste and vapor production.
I will most likely keep the halo as my daily driver, but mainly because I find it much easier to keep clean. The taste and performance of both are amazing and I can't tell which one I like better. If I did a side-by-side like I keep saying I'm going to I could figure out which one has the best taste to me.I perceive that means that you are most likely to use the SiC halo on the daily as a driver, while reserving the banger for special taste testing parties. Please correct me if i'm wrong![]()
I will most likely keep the halo as my daily driver, but mainly because I find it much easier to keep clean. The taste and performance of both are amazing and I can't tell which one I like better. If I did a side-by-side like I keep saying I'm going to I could figure out which one has the best taste to me.
Also many other posters seem to be able to keep the quartz forever clean or clean it easily, I've found it's a little more work for me. I have a tendency to let it get dirty and I think the trick is to keep it pretty clean all the time. I don't want to give the impression it's hard to keep clean, it just is for me.
With the sic halo when it get's dirty a wet q-tip cleans really well and when it doesn't you can scrape it off, no need to be gentle on the sic halo.
Right now I just switch off between them when I'm cleaning the banger. I let it get way to dirty last time and I had it soaking in simple green at 40 degrees for a couple of days. It was in an ultrasonic cleaner and I ran that for about 30 minutes over the days it was soaking. The walls still have some marks, but the rest is good as new.
Soaking in simple green I got some gunk off the bottom using a q-tip at first, the rest wouldn't budge whenever I tried. The q-tip might of worked eventually, but I just ran it in my ultrasonic cleaner every once in awhile. I was able to get some off the walls with my fingernail, but not all of it. The first thing I tried was pouring in some distilled water when it was on and using a q-tip to scrub. Then I tried in iso and eventually simple green. Actually you just reminded me I should try torching it, totally forgot to try that too. @biohacker even reminded me not to long ago...Does the sidewalls not wipe clean with a qtip after a simple green soak?
I've soaked some bangers I thought were too far gone to be a simple job and they cleaned up nicely. I struggle to get the neck clean for some reason, maybe warm alcohol is the trick.
My method is just to drop the dirty banger in ISO, soak it for a while, swab it (usually the harder cooked on oil is stuck), then dry it and put it into simple green for some time. After a good soak I can usually take a qtip and scrub the inside of the banger and all that caked on oil wipes right off on the first pass.
I'm using a torch with my banger so perhaps that's making my cleaning easier?
SiC cleaning is simple and easy but you'll notice if you do a high temp burn off there will be a white film left on the halo from what wasn't cleaned off using the dry swab+wet swab cleaning method. Not saying it's overly dirty or affecting the flavor but it's not exactly clean either.
That's one thing I forgot to try, I was going to buy some dark crystal glass cleaner too. I'll try the baking soda thing first though.Use a baking soda paste to scrub the walls with a qtip, I bet the ring around the walls comes right off.
When cleaning my opaque banger, the Simple Green soak for a few hours easily removes the gunk on the bottom, but I find it leaves the ring around the wall. Baking soda paste (baking soda with just a little bit of water) took care of it without issue.
You can keep your pearls clean by having a ziplock bag with the baking soda paste. Drop the pearls in and let them sit for a bit (maybe an hour? idk) and then squeeze them between your fingers. As they pop out, the pressure from my fingers scrubs the gunk off the pearls. You can literally see the dark streak in the white baking soda as it comes off.
I do agree that SiC is easier to keep clean than an opaque banger, but I don't find it to be that much of a difference if following some simple procedures.
I'm using a torch with my banger so perhaps that's making my cleaning easier?
We're all just hardcore vape nerds when we talk about soaking something for HOURS being easy to clean. warmer. Imagine if your bong took 24 hours on a candle warmer to clean.
Ha, very true!
When the banger needs a deep clean, and I'm about to head to bed for the night, I just drop it in the Simple Green jar. When I'm ready to dab the next day, it's a 5 minute process to get the opaque banger back to like new status.
I also don't use a candle warmer, just room temp. Perhaps a candle warmer would make it so I don't need to do the baking soda paste scrub for the walls. Might pick one up eventually, but don't have a strong desire since the baking soda paste is so quick and easy.
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