Customized vape setups


Well-Known Member
just cleaned my DBV's whip and replaced the tubing, so perfect and clean, I love it!


Well-Known Member
thanks. Getting jealous? haha I am just kidding.

I do love this little setup, I missed it when I was without a downstem for it. This one works alright(6 slit), but I had to get used to not pulling too fast or risk getting splashback.


Well-Known Member
yea, thats what happens when I'm looking for a downstem thats like 3" long! ugh

I am trying to order a custom one from Etsy right now, lets hope that works out! trying to get a clear showerhead with a low profile bushing, as close as possible to what I got with it.


Nycdeisel said:
thats what happens when I'm looking for a downstem thats like 3" long!
My/SmokingElectricity's downstem has much lower slits. :| It's a tight squeeze but you should be able to get what you want.


SmokingElectricity said:
Pappy said:
^ Lead by example. Looks so good I miss my travel beaker!

don't worry pappap, she is in good hands.

if you ever come to long island, you can visit. :D
Thanks! Back at you. Could swear I responded to this post last night. :uhoh:


Well-Known Member
Good news, everyone!! :D

Ray from SSFG just sent me a new showerhead downstem for free! I must admit that it was a bit odd receiving a totally unexpected package, but cool at the same time :cool:

I had told him about my little dilemma about my other one breaking, this one he sent me isnt perfect(looks like it was broken/cut at some point, since I see a weld and air bubbles up near the joint) but it doesnt seem to be anything but a cosmetic defect, and Im still happy that Ray was nice enough to replace it for free, even if it is a 'seconds' piece.

And Im still expecting another new showerhead downstem and 45 degree adapter from glasstafarian XD


Well-Known Member
I guess so :D

Of course, I sent him a message showing my appreciation.

this diffusion is just so great, I just took a pretend pull through it and it just feels so much cleaner then the crappy 6 slit i was using up there ^^


Well-Known Member
Already did :cool:, just wanted to say that since right before I attached the whip, I hit it with just water, felt so different, compared to that other POS downstem I was just using.

So glad Im back to hittin it with the showerhead!

hitting the vapor bong right now :o


Well-Known Member
I like it.
this reminds me... If I remember correctly, there have been a few tubes of his along the way that did have a sort of label.



Nycdeisel said:
If I remember correctly, there have been a few tubes of his along the way that did have a sort of label.
My beaker was one of his his first experiments. Who else but a newbie like me would sandblast his initials on his first bong? :rolleyes: :lol: At any rate just gave him this today and he can't wait to use it.


Nycdeisel said:
Already did :cool:, just wanted to say that since right before I attached the whip, I hit it with just water, felt so different, compared to that other POS downstem I was just using.

So glad Im back to hittin it with the showerhead!

hitting the vapor bong right now :o
Got ya....I was just breaking balls.....I have just joined you in hitting the vapor bong :ko:

Pappy said:
Ray's new logo... My gift to him.

Sweet logo and nice gift from you Pappy


Well-Known Member
haha thats great. gotta give props to Ray, it was a nice gift to come home to!

Going to change the vapor-bong water :p :wave:


^ That showerhead is a BLAST! I was using my beaker last night. BTW that adaptor cracked in two. :( Anotheron its way from OregonGlassBlower -- spreading da shekels. :lol:


Well-Known Member
yea, really realized how much I love this design. I can even stack bubbles half way up my tube!


That just happened...
Yours is way nicer. It's a VB precision hydrator. It has only 3 slits of diffusion. I like it a lot but am in the market for something taller so the PD isn't all up in my face when I use it.
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