Customized vape setups


Tstat.....I use my WDZ that great. If you look at the vid I posted a few pages back you will see it in action. I get about 3-4 hits off of one stem.....amazing. imo no need for tubing, it can be added if you so choose but why? Your going thru that beautiful glass so why not try to keep anything that is not glass to an absolute minimum.....I cut one of my vapor tubes down to about an inch of poly, keeps it much more low profile......I stick that directly into an 18/14 reducer as my piece has an 18 joint.....:2c:


OC513 said:
Pappy said:
I ? Aqua Lab
did you get another piece?
Just call me a a jonesing SG junkie! Thank God they sold out on those SG 8 and 12 Arm Stemlines or I'd be in deep doodoo! :lol:
So Glasstafarian just contacted me and he wants me to frankenstein one of his new designs.
This is one he's doing for someone else. They have a 20 slit shower-head diffy.

Note the passing resemblance to the new SG Mini Stemline...



very nice Pappy.....I was trying to find an SG mini but to no avail......I am actually kind of glad......wanna hold off til I get the Cloud and see how I like Hydratubes as opposed to a bong or bubbler.....however if I do come across an SG mini it will be VERY hard not to pull the trigger :o


OC513 said:
very nice Pappy.....I was trying to find an SG mini but to no avail......I am actually kind of glad......wanna hold off til I get the Cloud and see how I like Hydratubes as opposed to a bong or bubbler.....however if I do come across an SG mini it will be VERY hard not to pull the trigger :o
I had the option of buying the mini or Swanee. I picked Swanee and I'm so glad. Of course I never hit the mini but Swanee's balance and clearing action blows my mind! :o And I know the bent neck has everything to with it. And now, with Glasstafarian's help, I'm about to have an extremely close facsimile of the mini. :cool:


very nice.......cant wait to see that Glasstafarian piece when its done. Did he say how long it will take


OC513 said:
very nice.......cant wait to see that Glasstafarian piece when its done. Did he say how long it will take
I'm in the batter's box! :D Another week (or 2).


Dead Foot Designs
Accessory Maker
I guess I just don't like the balancing act. The high, on the other hand, is amazing.


Dead Foot Designs
Accessory Maker
Thank you! I have lots of cool toys now, hehe. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Well-Known Member
Pappy said:
And now, with Glasstafarian's help, I'm about to have an extremely close facsimile of the mini. :cool:
That's pretty sick. I'm even more jealous since I'm in NY, called dozens of head shops and I can't even buy a fucking mini anywhere. Seriously? I came close to buying an overpriced Micro Toro yesterday out of frustration. This is very annoying.

edit: after closer examination...that glasstafarian custom slightly resembles a mini but it's diffusion and inner design is not really similar. He can probably make it like a mini stemline if you wanted him too but I know you wouldn't ask at this point. Still very nice looking.


Tstat.....beautiful piece.....the Wilson brothers do very nice work....especially Luke.
Shiz........if you get out to Long Island today you might want to check out Utopia in Hicksville......they have a great selection, you will find something you love but they are just a bit pricey


Shiz said:
after closer examination...that glasstafarian custom slightly resembles a mini but it's diffusion and inner design is not really similar. He can probably make it like a mini stemline if you wanted him too but I know you wouldn't ask at this point. Still very nice looking.
It's a 20 slit showerhead but works on the same principle. I believe Stemline is simply SG's trademark for its inline diffusion. SGW has a similar design it calls Waffle.

Cool setup Tsat!


Well-Known Member
Nice setup, tstat! I like all your vapes along with that bub! You gonna run the PD throught that?


Well-Known Member
Pappy said:
It's a 20 slit showerhead but works on the same principle. I believe Stemline is simply SG's trademark for its inline diffusion. SGW has a similar design it calls Waffle.
Gridline/ point is that a six slitted gridline diffuses differently than a 20 slit showerhead. The performance could be completely different but you have the option to make it perform more like the SG if you wanted.


Shiz said:
Pappy said:
It's a 20 slit showerhead but works on the same principle. I believe Stemline is simply SG's trademark for its inline diffusion. SGW has a similar design it calls Waffle.
Gridline/ point is that a six slitted gridline diffuses differently than a 20 slit showerhead. The performance could be completely different but you have the option to make it perform more like the SG if you wanted.
All Stemlines and no showerheads makes Pappy dull boy. :lol:
The reason I get different pieces is to change my experience up. Besides, I'm hooked on SG and will no doubt add other Stemline variations to my collection.


Well-Known Member
OC513 said:
Tstat.....beautiful piece.....the Wilson brothers do very nice work....especially Luke.
Shiz........if you get out to Long Island today you might want to check out Utopia in Hicksville......they have a great selection, you will find something you love but they are just a bit pricey

that's a nice place, but yes very expensive. haven't been there in years.


Well-Known Member
Pappy said:
And now, with Glasstafarian's help, I'm about to have an extremely close facsimile of the mini. :cool:
This comment made me think you WANTED an actual facsimile/copy of the mini.

No biggie, I got you. It'll be sweet either way I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
I like Tstat's set-up. The wooden box with the foam bed...the herb containers...perty nice. One should always keep ones herb sealed in the freezer until final dry down and vape.


Shiz said:
This comment made me think you WANTED an actual facsimile/copy of the mini.
Actually he came to me with the idea. Said he'd rather do this than that. That's the beauty of working with an artist directly, they generally provide a few upside surprises. I don't know if he's even seen the mini Stemline. Well, now I provided him with this link so I know he will. I actually prefer the balance of his piece, design-wise, over SG's. It's more like a Wilson or my bent neck. And the top is free to do a worked section.
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