Just hit 70 hours and it's been flawless so far. Battery life is consistent @ 3 full bowls per charge or 6 half bowls. Heart up time has not changed either. 20C -180 C
, takes 2:30. Both my S&B products have been nothing but reliable, like two really good friends!
I also find that i can get 6 (full not half bowls), although its not the amount in the bowl but how fast you can hit it that matters, and this method
wont work for most (if heat/throat irritation affects you) as once at temp you hit as hard and fast as you can giving a 2 minute session (which has left some friends rolling on the floor coughing

funny to watch but not what anyone want from a session) i should add with normal usage (8-10 minute bowls) i get 3/4 per full charge.
@DoubleVanos are you sure heatup time hasn't changed? A new crafty takes 1:45 or less, well at least that was my experience when I timed it at 4 hours. Pretty sure 2:30 shows some wear.
Mine was over 2 minutes from new (although some of this could be down to a lower starting temp?) and i never made a note of times early on, but think mine was around 2:30 after a few hours usage.
I think i need to do some brain learning

, as to me the power the battery supplies is constant in a regulated device, now capacity is something that will be lost with any battery so usage will lower over time. Unless as bowl amount seems constant over time even with longer heat up, maybe to make up for less capacity less power is used (giving longer heat up) to keep bowl amount the same although i don't know if this makes sense, the more i think about this the more confused i get

, I'm sure there is an element I'm missing.
Now I've used these kind of batteries for years but heat up time is not something i have much experience with as torches, lasers and e-cigs don't have this.