D020-D is due to arrive next week and I've got space in my Pelican case for the Crafty. So I guess I'm set.
I use a pelican case to. I really love it.
I used to use a 1200 but decided I wanted to expand what I was carrying so this year I went to a 1400.
This is strictly for hauling my crap around the house and keeping it organized and protected. It's really not a setup for places I may have to publicly mingle.
I have pics of my setup on page 153 if you are interested. What I'm currently carrying is a tad different but essentially the same set up.
Again, this is just for lugging my crap around the house. I have a family that does not participate and this just allows me to keep things centralized and protected and very portable from one room to the next, with all my needs met. Dry vape from unit, dry vape with a j-hook, dry vape with a whip, dry vape with whip and jhook, wet vape, wet vape with a whip and bong, etc etc.
I would highly recommend one of these cases to anyone that has the kind of needs I described above. They are a bit spendy ( $75-ish on up to hundreds depending on size of case. ) but very ruggedly built and highly customizable for perfect fit. When after 2 years the latch on my 1200 broke, they shipped ( Free of charge. ) out a new latch which fit very easily on and my case was like new again.
I'm not saying this can't be a travel case, it is a great travel case and I do use mine this way too, it's just too conspicuous to use in a public place like say a 4th of July public outing, or a park, etc. smaller softer packs you can pocket are better here imo.
Anyways, was just happy to see another pelican user.

It's saying that the address I specified is a business address, but who knows how many businesses reside inside that office building.
Has anyone ever contacted Storz successfully by phone?
Tech support is hard to get a hold of on the spot. You usually have to wait for a call back. Usually the next day.
But...if you use the zero option in the menu when you call, you can talk to a very helpful employe. I'm not sure what her exact role is, she answered as some sort of operator. But she was able to pull my account up and give me info I needed.
Hope this helps anyone trying to talk to a live person. I find it very frustrating when I deal with a company and can not. Dial zero.