Ha, I like your thinking."Pass-through charging" is an oxymoron. By definition, "pass-through" means the battery is bypassed.
The Crafty's high is unmatched IMHO. Just stratospheric and beautiful.I had to get a refund when mine Packed in after two weeks! But Just waiting for the inevitable mark 2.The Air is an extremely nice unit and will more than tide me over,but nothing Rips like the Craft. Come on S&B it's time to hold your hands up and give us the revision this wonderful Vape deserves. And we can all fly to the stars!The arizer air is nice but it takes me forever to catch a good buzz that I can achieve in just a few minutes with the crafty or mighty. It feels like a futile effort. But thats because I consume to much herb I guess. lol
Promotional code? What's this promotional code you speak of?Anyone from the US considering the crafty, check the Planetvape thread for a huge discount. The Mighty is also under $400 with their discount code![]()
Promotional code? What's this promotional code you speak of?
Look in the store's thread for their posting.
1 USD has more value than 1 CAD at the moment. So if you buy the Crafty (or Mighty) from a Canadian retailer, yo will save at least $50 when compared to buying from a US one.I guess they sold too many and took the code down? I have searched the last page of the planetvape thread up and down and do not see any codes. They do however mention the promotion and provide a link to both the crafty and mighty at full price.
had to shovel lots of snow today. good thing i had my crafty
I'm just going to throw this out there ... I like my vapes clean ... and so I ordered a 2nd cooling unit with my Crafty when I ordered it (and I was one of the early adopters). I use my Crafty most days (it's my on-the-go vape during the day and my primary vape when travelling). Zero problems w/ overheating, clogging, draw resistance, etc. I switched to the finer screen before I even tried it as that seemed like a good idea right off the bat based on my experience with other vaporizers. I use a cooling unit for a couple days or so (maybe a max of a ~15 bowls) and then swap and disassemble and drop the other one in some ISO. They clean very quickly if cleaned often (let soak for 5 minutes with a couple shakes, then rinse in hot water and let air dry and re-assemble).Hey I noticed the same thing. I have to clean mine every few days as I have been using mine as my daily driver now, starting to see its not meant for that. Changing to the fine screen for the cooling chamber increases the draw resistance quite a bit IMO. Even using the liquid pad with coarser material still left me needing to clean the CC after a couple of days. Vaporcritic had it right when he said that this thing needs to be cleaned every dozen sessions.
It was -40C this morning (-47C w/ wind chill) and I vaped outside when it had warmed up to about -31C (-37 to -40C w/ wind chill would be a guess) ... performed flawlessly and the heater kept up no problem.
Did you ever use it whilst plugged in? Did you have long sessions? Longer than say 20 minutes? Back to back to back sessions at all?
Oh and Welcome to the FC Forums buddy.
Crafty is my only driver these days and gets used between 2-4 times per day with 2 charges throughout the day I reckon.
Yeah I gotta say, those standard screens for the cooling unit need to be abandoned and cooling units should ship with the fine screen stock. It just makes no sense to ship a cooling unit screen which allows ABV through it when you inhale!I'm just going to throw this out there ... I like my vapes clean ... and so I ordered a 2nd cooling unit with my Crafty when I ordered it (and I was one of the early adopters). I use my Crafty most days (it's my on-the-go vape during the day and my primary vape when travelling). Zero problems w/ overheating, clogging, draw resistance, etc. I switched to the finer screen before I even tried it as that seemed like a good idea right off the bat based on my experience with other vaporizers. I use a cooling unit for a couple days or so (maybe a max of a ~15 bowls) and then swap and disassemble and drop the other one in some ISO. They clean very quickly if cleaned often (let soak for 5 minutes with a couple shakes, then rinse in hot water and let air dry and re-assemble).
I fill my bowl up full when I use it and typically vape a bowl in ~5 minutes start to finish. I sometimes do two back to back and have not had any issues but usually just one and let cool down before a second.
Who's smoking here? I know Jcat isn't.Yea when you smoke it in th cold it's like it never ends because even when it does end your blowing out big clouds of hot air and it makes you think there's still more left.
When the battery is running low it really does suck you don't get nearly the same clouds. It needs at least 2 bars
Crafty is a life changer as an in-car Vape. So easy to use, and so effective, and perfectly stealthy. This thing just keeps getting better!
I did, on occasion use the Crafty while plugged in. I did do a few back-to-back sessions. For example, if I had a previously loaded bowl that cashed out after a hit or two I’d load another one and continue on. However, I never really loaded a fresh bowl, finished it, then loaded another one and finished that one as well, all in one session.
And thank you. I’ve been reading posts here for a few months. I actually, found the site a few days before the Crafty was announced. This thread was one of the major reasons I went ahead and ordered it. =)
Just to update my issue.
S&B customer service was excellent. I sent them the dead unit. A week later I had a new one in my hands.
My take on the Crafty so far,
I really like the Crafty. It works as an absolutely ideal sneak-a-toke. No lighter required, no smoke, and the smell dissipates quickly. It fits perfectly in my palm, and can be operated with one hand. It also has the ability to produce vape that is tasty and thick. While maintaining incredibly even consumption of the material without the need to stir.
These facts make it easy for me to over look the Crafty’s deficiencies in other areas such as battery life and maintenance. So, as long as I don’t end up being forced to send the Crafty back every few months for a replacement, I’ll continue to be a happy camper.