Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel


Well-Known Member
So this guy bought a crafty og and they sent him the +? Or they just "randomly" sent him the new unit? I'm sure he's good people, as you say, but strange nonetheless

It appears to confirm crafty+ is being sent out to multiple 'influencers' so we should see a lot of leaks coming forwards in the next weeks. Hopefully with some more solid info.

I'll add to what's already been said that this isn't the first instagram I came across that has leaked images on Crafty+ I believe it's been sent out to a number of users, primarily within Europe first.

It's not necessarily a bad marketing move, the majority of 'leaks' are orchestrated to create hype around a product. I'd be surprised if it was genuinely unintentional on Storz n Bickels part.


Well-Known Member
A leak kinda fixes the tone-deaf hype. I mean, it’s not a substantially new product (so far as we know), just a tightening up of an old design. The hype-machine was always doomed to annoy because it couldn’t deliver a huge payoff. Whether they can keep going w $$$ product, making smaller changes, while the $$ products keep innovating and the $ products keep improving, is another question.
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Truth to prevail
@MGG Care to share the other IG accounts? I've searched all the various hashtags and am not seeing anything...
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Just a dude
In the guy’s post he says S&B let him do his reveal. He is a good guy, I don’t think it’s cool folks are dissing him. Why? Other than jealous maybe? Who knows why S&B went this way but to speculate that they sent him one because he had an old one or that he’s “leaked” it and they’re gonna be pissed. That’s soap opera drama y’all.

I’m honestly surprised about the way S&B went about it tbh, just because I remember Martin saying once and I saw an S&B rep repeating their philosophy about product releases. It was basically: they don’t do pre-release hype and say nothing until the day of release, on that day their site and retailers have enough stock on hand to never worry about shortage. So I’m scratching my head with this decision and gotta think it’s the new owners. And given the general reaction, I’d say they shouldn’t have changed the S&B release philosophy.


Well-Known Member


Also pxl_jockey, Storz n Bickel is undergoing many changes as they now work with Canopy Growth.
It's very likely that this has influenced them to take things in a new direction and push out these new products with minor updates/improvements along with a new marketing strategy.

I'm pretty on the fence about the whole thing, I'm happy they are releasing a new product, I don't think people should get so up in arms about their marketing. They could of said nothing, at least we have something to look forward to. But I would like to hear something more concrete as to what makes the new crafty 'plus' and if this means we should expect a Mighty+
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Well-Known Member
Here's the heat up time reported to 190 C on the new Crafty +. I'm really impressed :tup:. The reddit poster is unimpressed.



Well-Known Member
IMHO, there is no need to disparage the recipient. He didn't do anything wrong. He's just a guy like us who like to vape, and post stuff on the internets about it.

It does seem like an odd move for S&B though...

Mate im not disparge or dissin anyone, actually if he got the + unit to replace an old one I'm happy for him, but if u check his IG hes... bloated :lol::D:lol: no pun intended... I would be in the same mood if i, without notice, got the most hyped vaped with no launching date that everyone is talking about.... it's just disappointing that they took so many years to launch, after the 20% battery, this... I have a before the 20%increase bat crafty which I open to replace a thermal fuse 2 times and a battery and it is working close to 400h +-... I was a potential buyer but now how? Great vape:clap:
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Truth to prevail
I think the frustration, comments and criticisms are all valid. No one is name calling or attacking, they are just disappointed. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and discussions are healthy. If you don't like Storz marketing THAT'S OKAY. If you don't like the product that's okay too! Doesn't mean you are attacking or dissing anyone. Just my two cents


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
It seems that the upgrades boil down to one minor aesthetic change, heat time to 190c = 1.08s and 9 sessions per charge ...
I think it's a lot of noise for small improvements


Well-Known Member
I'm in the market for a Mighty myself as an at-home load-and-kick-back vape and it's probably too early to say but could the Crafty+ have something that would make a person regret buying a Mighty? The Mighty still warms up faster than 1:09, doesn't it?


Well-Known Member
I'm in the market for a Mighty myself as an at-home load-and-kick-back vape and it's probably too early to say but could the Crafty+ have something that would make a person regret buying a Mighty? The Mighty still warms up faster than 1:09, doesn't it?

No, a Mighty takes around that time to reach 180, so this Crafty+ is a little faster, and that's with only one cell for power (I assume).
I think something that heats faster would also be less easily overwhelmed by large draws.
Or as they call it the attenuation would be more capable.

Some people used to complain the Crafty heater couldn't keep up as much as the Mighty, but it was still a bit of a monster IMO.
This new one will probably be a monster draw beast, but maybe it will finish the load quicker too?

As Vapviking rightly suggested in the Mighty thread, it's a huge possibility that a Mighty+ would come after this.
Which might almost halve that heat time, have the free-er airflow thing too and be a little smaller than the old Mighty?

And I agree this launch is silly,
I read that they would inform customers first if anything new is there.
insta what??:rolleyes::mental:


Well-Known Member
I’ve had my crafty a couple years. I was looking forward to some meaningful upgrades, but a good portion of me ( the selfish bit) is happy my crafty doesn’t look like it’s been upstaged much.
On the flip, dry herb vapes really need to step up. Particularly to meet the needs of our smoking cousins. If this is what it seems it’s disappointing. S&B have perhaps been our best hope too. What chance a price reduction? That would good


Well-Known Member
Every new device now a days gets only minimal upgrades. apple started this trend a long time ago and every company follows this same game plan now. Charge alot of money, for minor upgrades, then a year later do the same thing again. Wash rinse, repeat. We are always ready to throw our money at the newest, shiny objects and companies know this. Example look at cell phones, $1000.00 plus for a cell phone??? I know people who replace there phone every time the new one is out that's crazy! I love storz bickel they make some of the best devices, they are worth every penny. But sometimes it bothers me that the prices of these devices are getting so high that the regular guy can never afford it, I dont want vaping cannabis to become a rich mans thing. I agree they need to make something ground breaking like when volcano, plenty and mighty was first introduced, there was nothing like it on the market.
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Staff member
No words.... this leak makes the hole Crafty + strange & dodgy, they knew if they send this unit to Vape review guys like sneaky, puffitup, 420 or Vapecritic they would not get a positive review for all this buzz...everyone is waiting for something out of S&B for years, the Crafty have more than 4 years and this is the best they have? lolol if they are sending new + units to replace old crafty before an actual launch i dont know what to think besides thinking that this is a amateur move... the only person who is gaining something out of this is the IG guy, check is IG he is bloated frog lolololol
This post is dangerously close to breaking our Be Nice rule, so please choose your words more carefully going forward. You've received multiple warning points already in this very thread for rule violations, so I would think that you are keenly aware of our rules and it would serve you well to adhere to them.

Thank you.


Sick Vape

Solar Dabs
It seems that the upgrades boil down to one minor aesthetic change, heat time to 190c = 1.08s and 9 sessions per charge ...
I think it's a lot of noise for small improvements
My Crafty works, so I have no urge and no money to buy a Crafty + but 9 sessions and 1.08s heatup time is better than my current Mighty.
I wish I had a Crafty with these specs.
To me this sounds like a substantial upgrade. You can't reinvent the wheel, no?
Of course I would wish a new small machine that gets the goods into my bloodstream in a fancy healthy way.
I prefer 1 upgrade like that every couple years than each year an "upgrade" with just a new color.

But after having used a linx blaze, supposedly "The vape pen of 2019", there is a lot of space for innovation in these pens. I wish S&B would come up with something for concentrates. Sorry, I know I repeat myself.


hotboxing the cockpit

Hmm... seems the alpha hen has given his opinion on the subject?



I also find it interesting that S&B sent these units to actual reviewers with an embargo date (namely @ohmygodimsohigh ) but this guy gets a random free unit with seemingly no communication, and no embargo.

Seems like a poorly veiled attempt at manufacturing some "grassroots hype" from S&B but hey, they could honestly make anything and it would sell.

Also don't worry, I am not jealous... I quit using portable vaporizers that take longer than 30 seconds to heat up quite some time ago. Just thought this was interesting, was all.
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Well-Known Member
For a redesign Crafty the upgrades in the + are big because in the end is still the same device, i wouldn't expect the launching of a on demand vape and call it Crafty+ because is completely a new technology. When we knew this was a crafty+ most of people felt :\:o:ugh: .... like the move with the Volcano hybrid :cry: , the thing is they took a lot of years to launch this...and everyone was expecting new and improved vapes.
They could have added a new body made out of something that is not plastic (like the new mouthpiece in alum) to the new improvements and this would be totally different buzz around it i guess...the improvements we know are heat up and charging times, slightly new design, over heating and the increase of the number of sessions 9 (this is great for a portable device), they address many of what the problems people wanted to be improved like number of sessions (replaceable bats) heating time (USBC) and the over heating that IMO was causing this device to fail a lot...

So unless these vapes have a new name its going to be the old vapes with improvements... most prob we will get in the following months a Mighty + and the Plenty Hybrid (like they mentioned 4 new releases soon) and thats ok i guess there is still space for improvement in the old vapes IMO and they will have time to R&D some really new exciting stuff.

I was going to sell my IQ for this, i still have my old Crafty running after 2 thermal fuse and battery replacements so i really dont see the need to do this now unless this + is going to be max 200€ (which i dont believe... maybe the remaining old units) and i keep forgetting i have also a Mighty (not pocket friendly...).

What we need is new and exciting stuff.

This post is dangerously close to breaking our Be Nice rule, so please choose your words more carefully going forward. You've received multiple warning points already in this very thread for rule violations, so I would think that you are keenly aware of our rules and it would serve you well to adhere to them.

Thank you.

Noted I hope didn't broke any FC Be nice rule, i will be more careful with my language sir Maconheiro

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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
These crafty + upgrades lead me to think that they can set aside the famous 18650 and opt for a battery of their own to keep people from making their own battery changes...?
Regarding having more air flow ... they may have changed something in the heating system, or the heater itself.
The entire aluminum part where the heater is located could be lightened which would help to heat up faster and save battery power.
Anyway I think I'll pass ... for now
I have my Unregulated Wood Crafty with Replaceable Batteries running veeeeery good and I love it

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Well-Known Member
These crafty + upgrades lead me to think that they can set aside the famous 18650 and opt for a battery of their own to keep people from making their own battery changes...?
Regarding having more air flow ... they may have changed something in the heating system, or the heater itself.
The entire aluminum part where the heater is located could be lightened which would help to heat up faster and save battery power.
Anyway I think I'll pass ... for now
I have my Unregulated Wood Crafty with Replaceable Batteries running veeeeery good and I love it

Would you be willing to do this to my crafty if I would pay money for it?


Well-Known Member
These crafty + upgrades lead me to think that they can set aside the famous 18650 and opt for a battery of their own to keep people from making their own battery changes...?
Regarding having more air flow ... they may have changed something in the heating system, or the heater itself.
The entire aluminum part where the heater is located could be lightened which would help to heat up faster and save battery power.
Anyway I think I'll pass ... for now
I have my Unregulated Wood Crafty with Replaceable Batteries running veeeeery good and I love it

That my friend is a piece of art :clap::clap::clap: since i had to open mine 2 times the plastic body is starting to crack and although i can make some repairs on my own the next time i need to open it, its going to be really hard to close it back.... from the 4 screws existing i only have 2 working so.... i have to come with something alike soon or a broken unit to replace it.... you adding a replaceable battery alternative is something else, what did you use for the base? Im officially jealous :lol:
Again :clap::clap::clap:


Truth to prevail
We are all beta males for discussing Ed and his new crafty apparently lol. Doesnt seem like the respect some of you have for Ed is mutual. Best of luck to Ed, regardless what he thinks of us..and enjoy the new crafty!

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