I'm replacing EQ with Crafty as my daily driver. Looks like Crafty heats up herb very evenly, but the hits aren't quite as crazy. EQ burns one bowl side almost black leaving the other slightly green. Crafty blows it out of the water. However where I'd get one nice water pipe hit with EQ I get 3 medium hits using Crafty. I must admit though that while on EQ I use 230-250C, using Crafty I prefer more like 185 before I "boost". What temps do you guys use when water bonging?
@Stu ?
@t-dub ? It was your videos that made me pull the trigger.
All things considered I am happy with my purchase. It's not perfect, but I didn't want it to be perfect. I don't want to sound like S&B fanboy, I'm really not. I like how the battery suck. Since I bought EQ perhaps I had been using less flowers overall, but much more often because it was always on. Now if I'm using Crafty as my desktop vape, pluged in, if it still dies on me I guess I've been blazing too much and got to go to bed

Anyway I've ordered the
EasyAcc 10000mh power bank and plan on charging while carrying. I have recently bought a hemp waist bag, perfect for mobile charging station =)
To sum up I think that's a really good machine. Much more convinient then desktop, fits in hand, no learning curve. In my opinion plastic is fine, and while many people say Firefly looks classy I'd rather say it resembles Nokia 3310 cell phone. Crafty on the other hand is up to it's times, taking advantage of app thing, twisting to sides, parts are not stack one onto another like let's say any Arizer with it's GonG style path.
Two more weeks and I'll try it with some Pure Kush, and not that brick shit that flooded my city