Well that mild soap style fragrance is still there for me, it almost never left my 2017 Crafty. Surprised I don't hear more about it. But it might be affecting some peoples impressions of these vapes at first. My first Mighty seemed fine, maybe it's heat resistant plastic smell.
But my first thoughts are that the vapor is great, with a full capsule 0.12 - 0.14 you get some great tasty pulls but it did seem to get toasty quite quick, not sure if toasty faster than old Crafty. I think the initial factory fragrance probably doesn't help this.
That was starting at 180 and temp boosting.
Maybe with this different heater you will get nice rips for longer at lower temps. The OG one wasn't bad at that either.
With my style use that I normally do with Mighty where I put about 0.05 - 0.07 in a cap with small pad at full temperature and heatsoak for a minute, then run through water,
this Crafty+ is absolutely brilliant! The airflow (better than my 2018 Mighty), and extraction through water is amazing and I think it's as strong, maybe stronger than my Mighty in this use. I was almost too nicely! Still hitting hard.
But my mind tells me to probably stick to using Mighty at high temp through water at home for now, though I will definitely probably benefit greatly from what a Mighty+ would offer me for home use through water like this, I really look forward,
As I'm the type that would like to have both these vapes for different uses.
I'll sell my Mighty soon to prepare.
And i dont find the costs excessive or wasteful all things considered, and with 3 yr warranty on each.
The ABV might have been slightly darker from caps I did in the Mighty, ill have to check this.
But this vape will do very well what I intended, really good hits, faster heating up than before, and extract fast/hit hard when I sneak off for a minute.
It's like the 3 temp settings are how quickly you need to get done, and how strong the vapor is.
I timed the heat up roughly:
Crafty+ about 95% charged room temperature to 180c = 68 seconds. To 210c = 87 seconds.
Mighty fully charged and plugged in, room temp to 180c = 75 seconds. To 210c = 94 seconds.
Battery life so far seems very ample for my uses with this!
I am stuck with some file exception message on the app on android its probably the age of my tablet.
I only want to dim the lights so far though, i think I turned on vibration but cant see my hours yet.
@ohmygodimsohigh said in his vid that Craftys have no way to tell you battery life, but on both models when you power off there is a blue light.
Blue solid = battery good.
Blue slow flash = battery less good
Blue fast flash = Charge me now please!
Hope that helps someone sometime!
@audiodelic , I would have to fully agree with
@karec that notable reliabilty improvements already seemed to become apparent in even 2017 models. Unless some bugs in a new vape? You should be OK!