Well-Known Member
That's a great answer, thank you.I have had better luck then most with my Crafty. I bought my Crafty January 2015 and probably averaged close to 2 sessions a day throughout that time. I never used it with a bubbler at high temp so probably didn't stress it too much. My temp is usually between 185C to 200C. I usually top off my charge after each session after the unit cools down. But I have run two sessions before charging many times. I don't like letting these batteries voltage getting too low. My experience with these batteries in the vaping/e-cig world is that topping off is much better for them.
The Crafty in my opinion is a great vape, quite possibly the best portable out there right now. Its effecient, easy to clean and simple to use. If my warranty was over I don't think I would hesitate to buy another. I might have a different opinion if I had some bad luck with multiple Craftys like some other people have but I have had a huge number of sessions with it. If my Grasshopper, that I have been anxiously waiting for for a year, is as good as I expect I would probably get the Mighty as a companion next time. If you need the stealth and small form factor then get one and you'll be very happy. If its more at home and doesn't need to be stealthy I would say grab the Mighty.
These days in the vape world whether its herb or e-cig the technology is advancing at a fast rate. By the time you have reached your two year your probably already thinking about buying the next best vape.
Although it nearly makes me faint because I was nearly all Mighty a minute ago, and now I'm all Crafty again haha! And I've been forward and back so much last night!
But you're right, it's for outdoor, lightweight, stealth (and compact wow factor!) and that's why I'm drawn back to the Crafty always. I'm happy with what I can achieve at home.
Also needed is the small size. The 3-4 sessions a charge I can probably live with, as the USB charger socket appears to be problem free, unlike the one on another vape I own.
As for the expensive battery replacement, I wouldn't mind doing it every few years within reason as these vapes have allowed me quit cigarettes and when I compare, the battery cost seems a reasonable flip side to keeping me away from that dreaded tobacco!
I manage to justify many vaporizer and VAS purchases, including this one, by using this "tobacco comparison" method!

But I do appreciate that if I tried I could save money by changing my Solo battery myself.
And S&B sure do know how to ask big money for things! The brush sets and grinders seem like good value?!
I'm interested to see what they recommend, as I told them the weight was a factor for my fatigued limbs!
And thanks for your recommendations @Hawk , I do hope that S&B look after your matter without charges to restore your faith in them!
I was thinking it's probably sneakily sensible to first ask everyone would they like to pay a bit towards a battery!, it must be getting to eyebrow raising levels the amount of Craftys they've had to replace.