My mini 4'5 inch shower head recycler from Thick Ass Glass arrived in a timely fashion. Here's a picture, and my initial impressions of the device. The base is 12mm, the walls are 4-3mm. So not the thickest piece in the world, but they tell you at TAG that you can't make things that thick at this size. So it's a trade off, but I suppose for something so small it does feel rather substantial and has a thickness to it. You'd f*** it up if you sat on it though, I'm sure.
The air flow is better with the dynavap than something like the mega globe mk 2 which takes a lot of inhaling to fill the thing. The air flow will never be that good with the dynavap, but there's only the tiny little chamber so it's not a problem and takes no more effort to fill than you would inhaling on the regular dynavap stem. The vapor is cool enough, I haven't yet noticed any hotness and I use a torch lighter to heat it. I wouldn't say it's any more or less cool than the Mega Globe Mk 2
This is a second quality model, I don't really know what's wrong with it, and I got it for 110 dollars less than first quality at 40 bucks

There is, I suppose, one discomfort I can say about the piece which I predicted. The dynavap sticks out kind of close to your face, which is a problem because that's what you heat to get the vapor, it's what I would call a semi-dangerous design flaw in the dynavap. It's not difficult to avoid getting hit by it, but it's a bit like a threatening person coming right up to you and staring you in the face; you don't want that experience. You can still put your face vertically facing the thing and inhale on it from that angle, but you still get the feeling that you have to be careful about how you pull out the dynavap to clear the chamber so it doesn't pop out and hit your face. I did, nonetheless, order a 10mm - 10mm drop down adapter which should solve this problem.
I have no idea, yet, how I will clean it, it already has little pieces of some sort of debris sitting in the walls of the chamber. So I'm not going to want to let this one get too caked before I decide to clean it, because the chamber is a recycler the water will only fall back down to the bottom from the top chamber, which I can only imagine will make getting the walls of the recycler clean enough a somewhat technical task.
I think it's a really cute piece, looks pretty cool, and you can pick it up effortlessly to hold it in one hand while you vape. Still looking out for my Goo Roo small inline to arrive in the mail, which I predict will be much better about not having a hot cap so close to your face.