Some time ago I bought an ehle rig from verdamptnochmal. At the time, they only had the open diffuser downstem. So that's what I got. Really enjoyed it and other rigs were cleaned and stored.
But I of course had to have the diffuser downstem. Verdamptnochmal want 29 euros plus postage (another 10) which was too much imo. So back to dhgate.
And I found these wonderful downstems for 14 euros for, wait for it, 5 of the buggers. It was a long 5 weeks waiting and not going bugger it, in for a penny and order from verdamptnochmal. But I held on and yesterday they landed.

I expected as least a couple to be wonky and maybe some dodgy performance but they all work great. Really pleased. And whilst I'm happy to support the higher wage demands of my German brothers and sisters I really thought 29 euros for a downstem was a bit much.
Anyway, I had already coupled my rig with this nice ashcatcher, again from the gate.
Lovely piece of work and I got It primarily to run with j hooks and the tinymight or vap but I slapped it onto my main rig, added a little water and boom. Cool and tasty vape. For much longer. And better extraction. And did I mention tastier.... I got so ripped last night that boss lady made a comment that I don't think was complimentary....but I was past caring....

So whilst it's never the end game, I'm pretty happy with this set up. Minimal water, easy to clean (well the ash catcher isn't the best) and versatile, I'm going to be window shoppy only for a while now....
PS hope this slips into the cheap but quality section with total cost around 200 euros....
PPS if anyone knows of a similar ash catcher with removable downstem to support cleaning, please let me know....