im still trying to figure out how to get pics from my phone to a host i can use here to show what I'm talking about when i say 3.1 but its interesting to see you get the older version of the bottom plate, condenser tube and retainer nut. Im thinking maybe because i ordered silver? Again to describe the differences, the bottom plate has deep notches that make twisting it much easier, the condenser tube texture is about 2x as pronounced and much better machined, and the retaining nut has the tube texture now and is a flared cone with small end facing the bucket and finally the bottom screw post is longer with an unthreaded section in the middle now. All CLEAR improvements, except maybe the screw post, and especially the nut, but it'd be nice to know what you'll get and to have everyone on the same page
edit: i didn't read you grabbed muttens, makes more sense now
Thank you for updating us on the differences. The subtle changes that you've mentioned sound like great improvements actually.
I've not had the V3 that long but I noticed and thought right away that having knurled edges around the bottom plate would help immensely with grip. I'm happy to know this has been implemented now.
I also thought that those threads could be a little longer/further down on the center post too. Sounds like that's now been done according to you. Nice!

I'm curious as to why you don't think the longer post isn't an improvement. Could you please elaborate as to why?
I also am not a fan of the smooth retaining nut, not that it doesn't function correctly or anything. That part is spot on but I believe it should have a different texture for allowing one a better surface area for grabbing onto. Again, this has been remedied from the sound of it. Perfect!
As for photos my friend here's a great site.
It'll take the photos from your phones files or photo album and generate the link of your choice from the drop dowm menu.
Then choose your desired link that was one generated and paste it here into the site where you would create your post. I suggest previewing your post before you actually do to confirm everything has been done correctly. I hope this helps.
By the way it looks like I'll be ordering some of the new parts based on the revisions.

I mean who doesn't like having extra goodies laying around to mix/match and to play with. Geekin out is great fun!
I would implore
@CCA710 to post up current version photos asap. I'll even offer to help out for free if you're needing it. Nothing expected on my end.
Customers like being able to physically see what they are buying before hand. Especially with something as cool, nice and innovative such as the Liger bangers are.
I am really impressed with the 20mm so far and the NV LolliCap functions and fits it perfectly too.
I've only had two dabs so far myself. But the taste, was a welcomed and unexpected hard bitch-slap to my face indeed! Like:
hey buddy! Yeah you, taste this now and you're going to love it because it's impossible not to! Yeah, that's right, unbelievable flavor and blooming aromas for your nose to boot. I mean c'mon it's what I do.
I've yet to get the dense vapor I've seen in videos and read about here in the thread but I'm positive it'll happen once I've mastered the Ligers leaning curve and my controllers parameters.
Just for reference on my first dab I had the temperature at 555F. Good Lord it was tasty. I was able to get 4 good full draws in from a very small amount of shatter with the Sic insert. But not super dense.
However I was tickled pink and chuckling out loud because I was enjoying the experince so much. It just came on spontaneously. Oh and the clarity and effect are PATRON to the max. Thank you
@CCA710 for a great product and experince.
My second session (4 hours later,wow!) I wanted to try and mimic the heavy hitting bong rips we all so use to love. Well, the ones of us who liked those heavy handed coughing, sweating induced, gigantic one lungers that is.
For this I set the controller to 683F. I was able to attain complete extraction in one hit and virtually exhaled no visible vapor.
The taste and effect were great though. By this point I had to slowly back away from the situation because I swore to myself that I would not fall victim to a self induced coma. Well guess what it happened an hour later!

cheers all!