Just wanted to drop in and spread some love. It appears either the bucket or storm cell are defective. Josh is sending me new gear overnight so I will have it in time for a sesh tomorrow. I really do appreciate him handling this situation. I know I get frustrated at times with the Liger, but I truly do love it. I see amazing potential in the design. The caps are really my only issue. I've fine with the assembly, even if it pissed me off in the beginning.
I also appreciate
@mrbonsai420 reaching out and helping.
^^^ Excellent! That is great to hear.
Machining problems were the only things I could think of as my caps seem to function well.
Regarding efficiency I've found that the V3 Liger gives me much less reclaim than the Halos.
And that reclaim tends to be light, honey colored rather than the somewhat darker reclaim I would get when using the Halos.
Someone asked earlier about heat transmission to the joint of the rig (V2 vs V3).
I never used the V2 that much but the V3 transmits very little heat to the joint, one can quite comfortably touch the glass joint when the nail is at dabbing temperature; it's only slightly warm.
In fact it's cool enough that I touched the outside of the joint with my lips; just barely warm.
I leave the nail on 24/7 and have been running the V3 directly into my rigs without a dropdown for many months now.
This is not something that I would have considered doing when I was using Halos at home.
I always used a drop down when using the Halos.
While my rigs are clear, they are quite expensive, and I feel no fear of running the V3 direct.
Old photo, but here's my ol' top dog sans dropdown:
I like to use a V2 airpath as it is a bit shorter.
And I still love my Halos, I've kept two SiC Halos (+caps) for my travel setup!
edit: Also second the need to route the 20mm heater with "heater up" in the shroud (as pictured above).
I initially had my 20mm set up in that fashion, then after cleaning I put it "heater down" to slightly lower the center of gravity.
I did notice a slight reduction in dabbing happiness.
Switched back to heater up and happiness is restored.