If the showerhead gets discontinued I’ll buy as many as I can before so my friends who are saving for flowerpots can have them. It’s by far the best head for fast flower extraction. The extra mass compared to other heads and the way it works effortlessly with any draw carbed or not makes it stand out for flower use which is what anyone I know wants a flowerpot for.
Most of my friends dab a lot more than vape flower and have no need to mix both at the same time, and just want the best device for flower they can get. It would be a shame if the showerhead was discontinued because it is the best device for flower I have used. The fact is the weed eater doesn’t quite replace it because it lacks the mass and requires a much higher PID temp.
I think if anything the weed eater was a bit of a waste of time..the showerhead already did the job and if you want to dab you can on the titanium dish no reason to get rid of the option. Only thing the weed eater was good for in my mind was a cheaper option to get into the flowerpot system, never thought it was worthy of replacing the showerhead.
Owned a Vrod shortly and I’ve tried a weed eater once. The Showerhead works better for me. Vrod was close but I personally got the dark ring that’s been discussed and also it seemed like a stir did a lot more for the v rod in general than the SH where stirring is basically unnecessary for me with the SH. I did not get enough time with the weed eater to be 100 percent honest but I did not get nearly the same great results and the temp was way higher.Have you owned the VROD and Weedeater?
This is at least the second time I have seen the 'mass' cited as a reason the ShowerHead excels over the WeedEater. I own both and cannot ascertain any difference in performance.The extra mass compared to other heads and the way it works effortlessly with any draw carbed or not makes it stand out for flower use which is what anyone I know wants a flowerpot for.
The carb cap and the ability to dab cleanly on the SH are the only operational traits which distinguish the SH from the WE and you don't dab,I don’t dab from my FP.
Brah, if you've not used the WE, how can you weigh in on keeping the SH. The WE is still in it's first iteration. If they add a profile to accept the VRod crab cap, or the add some new fangled hinged carb cap it will equal the SH, there would be no reason to have the SH in the lineup (D-Cup, WE and VRod) would cover all the bases and if you own a VRod there is very little reason to own a WE. (Note I do not now a VRod, but the consensus in this thread is the difference between the VRod and SH is negligible.)I have yet to use the WE, but really like the simple design of it.
Owned a Vrod shortly and I’ve tried a weed eater once. The Showerhead works better for me. Vrod was close but I personally got the dark ring that’s been discussed and also it seemed like a stir did a lot more for the v rod in general than the SH where stirring is basically unnecessary for me with the SH. I did not get enough time with the weed eater to be 100 percent honest but I did not get nearly the same great results and the temp was way higher.
This is 100 percent my opinion and I’ve learned a long time ago that vaporizers really are a thing of personal choice. Some of the vapes others love I hate, some of the “end game” vapes that everyone loves don’t do it for me. On the other hand I’ve never really had it go the other way except for maybe with the GH but plenty of people obviously LOVE vapes I can’t stand. So I’ll say that your opinion about discontinuing the SH is valid and may actually be correct. I just don’t agree.
I also think the ability to use any 20mm coil effectively, without any tolerance issues or any worry about the coil not fitting absolutely correctly is amazing. The weed eater and vrod both require the coil with one more wrap than most available 20mm. Actually the coils are such are rare size even a great member here who specializes in coils couldn’t find a steady supply of them..
My last point for keeping the SH is the ability to dab. I don’t dab from my FP. I have many bangers and glass rigs as well as an enail set up that I would rather use but for a lot of people who don’t do that the titanium dish of the showerhead is not intolerable and does the job of a ti enail. I think the value of a ti enail added to the value of the SH for flower makes it a much different and In my opinion better option for dry herb user than the weed eater. Just because someone doesn’t plan to dab from the FP doesn’t mean the feature isn’t appreciated or will never come in handy. It forsure isn’t worthless enough to discontinue and not for that reason alone I truly do believe the SH vaporizes just flower slightly better than the VROD and pretty noticeably better than the WE. Although as I said if I had more time with the WE maybe I would have a brighter opinion of it. I do know it is not as effortless and powerful as the SH. Had enough time for that conclusion.
Once again this is just MY opinion. No ill will to anyone who disagrees. I just love the SH a ton.. I don’t post here often and actually prefer to stay off FC and other forums for the most part these days but I just had to voice my opinion about this one as I think it would be a shame to see the showerhead discontinued.
I agree with all of your points about the SH. Caveat, I have used a Vrod and for just flower only I still prefer my SH. I have not used a WE, but the main points in favor of the SH for me are not dependent on that....e.g. I too like that the SH will tighten down on pretty much any coil. WE not so much. I don't need to use the WE to know that.Owned a Vrod shortly and I’ve tried a weed eater once. The Showerhead works better for me. Vrod was close but I personally got the dark ring that’s been discussed and also it seemed like a stir did a lot more for the v rod in general than the SH where stirring is basically unnecessary for me with the SH. I did not get enough time with the weed eater to be 100 percent honest but I did not get nearly the same great results and the temp was way higher.
This is 100 percent my opinion and I’ve learned a long time ago that vaporizers really are a thing of personal choice. Some of the vapes others love I hate, some of the “end game” vapes that everyone loves don’t do it for me. On the other hand I’ve never really had it go the other way except for maybe with the GH but plenty of people obviously LOVE vapes I can’t stand. So I’ll say that your opinion about discontinuing the SH is valid and may actually be correct. I just don’t agree.
I also think the ability to use any 20mm coil effectively, without any tolerance issues or any worry about the coil not fitting absolutely correctly is amazing. The weed eater and vrod both require the coil with one more wrap than most available 20mm. Actually the coils are such are rare size even a great member here who specializes in coils couldn’t find a steady supply of them..
My last point for keeping the SH is the ability to dab. I don’t dab from my FP. I have many bangers and glass rigs as well as an enail set up that I would rather use but for a lot of people who don’t do that the titanium dish of the showerhead is not intolerable and does the job of a ti enail. I think the value of a ti enail added to the value of the SH for flower makes it a much different and In my opinion better option for dry herb user than the weed eater. Just because someone doesn’t plan to dab from the FP doesn’t mean the feature isn’t appreciated or will never come in handy. It forsure isn’t worthless enough to discontinue and not for that reason alone I truly do believe the SH vaporizes just flower slightly better than the VROD and pretty noticeably better than the WE. Although as I said if I had more time with the WE maybe I would have a brighter opinion of it. I do know it is not as effortless and powerful as the SH. Had enough time for that conclusion.
Once again this is just MY opinion. No ill will to anyone who disagrees. I just love the SH a ton.. I don’t post here often and actually prefer to stay off FC and other forums for the most part these days but I just had to voice my opinion about this one as I think it would be a shame to see the showerhead discontinued.
Hi Edwyn, happy Sunday to you too!!Happy sunday @Baron23 IMO the lighter WE head seems to come off and on the bowl easier. Perhaps it just the reduction of weight that gives me that feeling. Not that it makes a bit of difference but the SH won't balance with the cordless coil at the same CG point. She's bow heavy. I stand behind my previous recommendation there's absolutely no performance benifit to upgrade to the WE from the SH. The WE is also .625" shorter which puts the heat a little further away from my face. The WE seems a little less intimating because of the smaller size.
The WE seems a little less intimating because of the smaller size.
I stand behind my previous recommendation there's absolutely no performance benifit to upgrade to the WE from the SH.
IMO showerhead vers weedeater.
sh- tightens down on 4 wrap coils
we- only tightens down on 5 wrap coils
all around performance is better with a 5 wrap coil.
sh- has dish for dabs (albeit ti)
we- lighter and better balanced (is what I like most)
my general opinion on performance is there basically the same. the we does require a little more temp because of the reduction of mass.
Moving the SH to pasture (clearance tab) only means removing it from the main flowerpot parts page, and bundles page to reduce the confusion for newbies to the website. I'm committed to always have a small inventory of the SH parts.
Count both sides.I’m slightly confused here, does the WE come with a 5 wrapped coil? Mine came with a 4 wrap. Works great but there is a “wiggle” with the coil inside the head as it’s not a snug fit.
And the guy who designed them seems to think that there is no difference between the WE and the SH in efficiency/function. So I'm lost again.
@Ramahs I'm sorry if I confused you. What I meant to say is there's no reason for a person that already owns a SH to feel compelled to purchase the WE for performance reasons. Only ergonomics.
Can you specify your intended use?
100% flower = weedeater
50% flower & 50% concentrates (or both at the same time) = Vrod
100% concentrates = DCup
Get the Weedeater. It's lighter, with fewer parts, costs less, and seems to work identically to the SH.
I need to understand why so many who've used both seem to disagree with that statement.
Well, from my reading here, I think you're confusing existing SH owners' enthusiasm with an assessment of both heads. I think very few people extolling the virtues of the SH have actually tried the Weedeater. Has anyone here (other than NewVape, obviously) sat down with both heads and tried to see if one is more effective?
Yes, and there is no difference in performance.. although you may need to raise the temperature a few degrees. A place for concentrates and a good fitting carb cap are the advantages of the SH.Well, from my reading here, I think you're confusing existing SH owners' enthusiasm with an assessment of both heads. I think very few people extolling the virtues of the SH have actually tried the Weedeater. Has anyone here (other than NewVape, obviously) sat down with both heads and tried to see if one is more effective?
This is at least the second time I have seen the 'mass' cited as a reason the ShowerHead excels over the WeedEater. I own both and cannot ascertain any difference in performance.
The carb cap and the ability to dab cleanly on the SH are the only operational traits which distinguish the SH from the WE and you don't dab,
Brah, if you've not used the WE, how can you weigh in on keeping the SH. The WE is still in it's first iteration. If they add a profile to accept the VRod crab cap, or the add some new fangled hinged carb cap it will equal the SH, there would be no reason to have the SH in the lineup (D-Cup, WE and VRod) would cover all the bases and if you own a VRod there is very little reason to own a WE. (Note I do not now a VRod, but the consensus in this thread is the difference between the VRod and SH is negligible.)
This is at least the second time I have seen the 'mass' cited as a reason the ShowerHead excels over the WeedEater. I own both and cannot ascertain any difference in performance.
The carb cap and the ability to dab cleanly on the SH are the only operational traits which distinguish the SH from the WE and you don't dab,
Brah, if you've not used the WE, how can you weigh in on keeping the SH. The WE is still in it's first iteration. If they add a profile to accept the VRod crab cap, or the add some new fangled hinged carb cap it will equal the SH, there would be no reason to have the SH in the lineup (D-Cup, WE and VRod) would cover all the bases and if you own a VRod there is very little reason to own a WE. (Note I do not now a VRod, but the consensus in this thread is the difference between the VRod and SH is negligible.)
My opinion is based on the input from @NewVape710 . In his comparison video, he stated the WE needed to be nearly 100 degrees higher than the SH for comparable performance.
You can adjust temps to compensate for the difference initially, but what if it's being used for big groups? All of a sudden that extra thermal mass might start to make a difference.
I agree, for 80% of the people, the WE will probably be the better choice due to price. But there will be a group looking for the high performance model if you will.
If I didn't have my SH right now, and we're looking to buy between the SH and WE, I'd still personally go with the SH for my usage. I run my SH at 737, I'm not looking to keep my WE at 837 for comparable performance.