Sent an email today to cancel my order so I can take advantage of the 4/20 sale. Went with two Factory Seconds, Fine Plate - Hematite/Onyx/Hematite and Medium Plate - Onyx/Emerald/Onyx
Poor planning on my part but this gets me two complete grinders for a couple extra bucks. I will probably end up keeping all the Onyx Pieces and gifting the
medium grinder to a loved one.
Somehow I am
more excited than I was after placing my initial order.

The order arrived earlier today, right on time for festivities. I'll give my initial impressions on this glorious 4/20.
For reference, my daily driver has been the 4-piece "trees" grinder that is often bundled with purchases from Planetofthevapes. I'm sure some of you are familiar with it. I would say it's better than most $20 grinders but nothing to write home about.
This is obviously a premium piece of equipment. The grinder feels like a little piece of art that i'll get to use every day for the rest of my life. The colors really pop and the website does not do it justice. My Emerald plate is gorgeous and makes me wish I had gone with some more vivid colors. Do not let this confuse you, the Hematite / Onyx / Hematite is absolutely stunning. The top is the heaviest piece by far as others have noted. I will never go back to a threaded grinder and that was obvious before I even ground some buds.
My factory seconds are both in amazing condition and I would be hard-pressed to point out the defects other than a small scratch on the lowest chambers center post on the Onyx Bottom. Any other imperfections can only be described as minuscule. A stray line or circular pattern from the machining is all I could identify. I do not believe I would have noticed any of these things unless I was looking for them. Non-Factory-Seconds must be immaculate.
I purchased some extra sticky bud for the occasion and it chewed through it no problem. I loaded about 2x what I would have in the "trees grinder" and I had no problems whatsoever. The fine plane is extremely consistent and makes what comes out of the "trees" grinder look like table scraps compared to the Souffle of fluffy bud that the BCG produces.
The noticeably finer grind led to much denser clouds on my Cannabis Hardware V-Rod, as expected.
Purchasing the second grinder was absolutely predicated on cannabis fueled exuberance and I see no reason that I'll ever use it.
This grinder is an absolute bargain, even at full price. For $50 it feels like theft. I may post a more nuanced review after I put a few ounces through my new Faberge Egg. Do not wait any longer if you are on the fence. Buy this grinder.