Well-Known Member
Actually that looks like a decent method. Do you find that the herb clings at all to the leather with static electricity? What is the diameter of the dish?
added: I see now there are different sizes. Does the "dust" version have a different surface or is it just decoration?
hey @cybrguy
The diameters are 8 cm for the standard version, and 10 cm for the XL version.
I have the standard version and it's perfect for emptying the contents of my grinder. It was great with my BCG as well. I turned it over and it made me beautiful little weed donuts...

No static electricity issues to report. There may be a few crumbs left on the edge, but it's really to look for the little beast. By passing a finger or a brush, it's solved!
It's a very nice piece... especially for the price!!!
I also empty my AVB in it for certain vapes.
I think you will adopt it very quickly!
Édit: i don't know for the "dust version"