Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci


Well-Known Member
I might be banned for saying this...
I sold my pax for a Ascent, but I spent the money.
So I started combusting again, now I have to wait until payday. The only problem is that I dont have a job.

Banned for doing stupid shit? Nope. Hell, if that were the case, there wouldn't be any members here. :cool:

You won't get banned for saying that but you will be mocked mercilessly. :mental:

Yup. I mock Paka mercilessly and I'm still around. ;)


Well-Known Member
So I picked up an Ascent for a buddy. He gave the go ahead to do a little testing (so I could show him how to use it). First off, don't think there will be any issues. As far as I can tell, there's not much of a learning curve. (With the exception of "Don't use your pinky to pack the bowl down, it will burn you") (Which of course I managed to do before even packing it the first time).

First impression, good weight. Solid feel. Slight new vape smell others have mentioned. Charged the battery. Did an iso wipe down on the glass, bowl, and air path. Cranked it up 430 for a cycle. Still had some smell to it, but no noticeable taste. (Watched a for off-gassing, didn't see any).

Loaded some sour d, set to 375. I'm impressed with speed this unit heads up. The bottom of the unit gets a little warm, but by no means uncomfortable. Great taste. Good vapor production. Flavor was good up until the end. Evenly brown ABV.

Next I loaded a round with probably 20% full melt bubble. Set the personal vape timer for 395 for 3 mins, then 405, then to 415 (really like this feature). Great vapor production, taste. Lost track of time for a little bit.

I'm more of a concentrate person, but I really enjoyed using this.....So, the following day I had to head back to the show to grab one for myself. Also grabbed a glass on glass water tool adapter, which I'm enjoying.

My only complaint, (and it's been well documented here)is if the bowl pack rises slightly, the vapor production becomes extremely limited. I'll have to grab some glass flowers or beads like some many have suggested. *No problems with puck moving with large amounts of bubble.


New Member
Hello everyone, just got my ascent two days ago. Just made this account today. Hope I'm doing this right.

In short I had a few concerns about my ascent. In order of concern:

1. When it's on/heating up, it makes a weird ticking/clicking noise, a bit hard to describe. Is this normal or has anyone else experienced the same?

2. When looking at the bowl, it looks like the silicone surrounding it at the top isn't evenly spaced. Almost looks like a small part of the bowl is covered and the other side is uncovered. When inserting the glass containers it doesn't fall our easily because if the imbalance. I can probably provide pictures of this at s later time.

3. The plastic/glass(?) Screen covering the LCD display moves around s little bit when touched, is that normal or something to be concerned about?

That's everything I can think of at the moment. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
The unit I tested had both 1 and 3, and I never looked enough to comment on 2.

Careful listening on heat up often had expansion related sounds like you'd get from the home heater as it heats up, IMO normal and no big deal. The lens in the unit I tested would rattle a bit if held in the 'right' position (and I reported as much here), IMO no big deal but that's a personal call. IMO it's not 'right', but also not fatal.

Neither is unique to the unit in hand, my advice is to enjoy it.



New Member
Just got the ascent a few days ago and I've been really having fun playing around with it.

As others have mentioned, loading the Ascent can get tricky while medicated.. I've started using the foam that holds the Ascent that came in the box originally. I put it inside the lid of the box. I then open the bottom of the ascent and set it onto the foam insert. It cradles the opened unit perfectly for me to load it. I'm sure other people have found better and easier ways to dock the unit while loading- but this method works for me!


And shepherds we shall be,for Accuracy & Discovery
yes i am sure... i bought a pack of ten and only use the same four. the other 6 are straight

Weird. I'm not noticing mine bending, but I have broken quite a few. (If I don't push the top ones in like push pins, I invariably windup breaking a stem or two when I open the bowl after use.)

What temp do you vape at @mmenzie? I'm lower temps, almost never going up to 392°F (Benzene). Can you take a virgin flower, put it in a pyrex dish and pop it in the oven at the temp you normally vape at? Be interesting to see if yours become malleable.
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Well-Known Member
yes i am sure... i bought a pack of ten and only use the same four. the other 6 are straight

Although I noticed a bent stem or two, I too am not sure if any got bent in the unit.....although based on a couple of the burns I got messing around it's gets awfully hot in there. You'd think getting hot enough to soften the glass would also mess up the glass liner in the bowl and glue pieces together?

But that's not what caught my eye. "use the same four. the other 6 are straight" is just begging for a pun. Let me get this right, you put four of them in a bowl full of top shelf bud and vapor, the other six are still straight????

Works for me.



Well-Known Member
Ok I got two questions before I order this. First off has anyone had any problems with the new locking system and has anyone had a problem with the u adapter? Oh and how long has it taken most poeple to get the ascent after you order it


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
Okay. I'll bite here.

I'll call in to question the equivocation.

Albeit, there will always be some issues with manufacturing, the single largest variable is user behavior. That applies to any device. Not just vapes.

I've used quite a few of these units, and taught number of friends how to use them and everyone has a different set of techniques (it's not just air intake as you suggest, but things like packing, grinding, quality of product, etc). Heck, I was "Mr. Grind'n'tear-was-good-enough-for-granpappy-so-good-enough-for-me" and I saw a performance increase when I finally gave into to grinding.

Or look at the fact that dreamerr, OF, and myself have all used the same exact unit with a variety of results. (none of us were in the same room, so we couldn't "instruct one another.") The human variable is always a big one.

Are there still a few units that have issues? Looks like it. But I think you seriously underestimate the impact user variability can have.

Agreed. Of course the first 4 things you mention are all basically the same issue. (The last one I addressed in the previous sentence.)

DV has some solutions for the first four things. In the mean time, I am really liking the glass flower solution. The efficiency is vastly improved.


Howdy, Nigel - I wanted to reply to your thoughts, albeit hesitantly because folks & mods may reason that I am unduly harping negatively on the Ascent. My standpoint is one of consumer advocacy, for self and others.

I would love to love the Ascent at this point. I did put my money where my mouth was for many many months before withdrawing...glad I did. The only reason I still care to monitor and post to this thread is because I'm holding out hope against hope that someday ordering one will prove to be a big win, instead of the crap shoot I feel ordering at this time would be.

Yes, you astutely discerned my equivocation concerning alleged inconsistency in manufacturing, inherent design flaws and unforgiving tolerances, and variables in user technique. I do not believe I've unduly over or understated any of the above-mentioned factors, and did omit herb characteristics considering them to be more minor to my overriding premise, though not inconsequential. Know that later in the eve I edited my post to also allow for "batch issues", further extending my equivocation. I feel it's only fair that I allow room in my assertions for factual correction - I will accept the anecdotal. Admittedly, anecdotal is all I've had to go on. How refreshing I would find it if DV would share their defect findings leading to newly released V1.2 (and I expect V1.3) tweaks and fixes.

I don't necessarily agree that poor vapor, glass band-aides, drilled jars, and floating pucks all speak to one issue: Poor vapor could very well be due to a poor seal/s somewhere (as was often cited in Version 1); e.g., stem conduit seal (members posted pics of exposed wires seen down through the tube), bowl seal, ill-set bowl, loose-fitting stems, etc??? (we never got definitive info {admission} from DV on any of this); glass stars do not address the possibility of a poor seal, yet do apparently compensate for the awkward puck floatation phenomena in an apparently well-sealed unit, and even enhance oven efficiency and vapor production (a fine & dandy modification for a well-functioning unit, but not justified for use with a sub-par unit); drilled jars at customer expense and effort is just wrong from a business-to-consumer standpoint.

I no longer harbor a personal belief that the Ascent is a ground-breaking highest-of-high tech vape. At best it seems it can be a very good vape in a svelt new modern form factor. JMO
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Vapor concierge
those of you who have become disenchanted with the Ascent for bowl packing issues or past manufacturing defects...I feel you. however, I suggest you stay tuned until whatever is bugging you gets worked out, because this vape already has a lot to like and I think you will be missing out otherwise.

My latest version is a big improvement on the first with tighter seals and the latch. I sense a difference between the two units regarding temp. This one gets hotter and the herb is more spent. I liked how the older one stayed lower, so I have already started backing down. but some wanted hotter and now they have it. I'll be surprised if they don't come out with some sort of spacer solution...this unit begs for it. but no vape gets there on the first swing and the ascent will probably continue to be improved on. My first unit crapped out with the controls, so only time will tell if this one is more reliable in that area.

I love how it feels, the taste, the temp controls and all the bells and whistles I still haven't figured out yet. It's unique in my lineup and I don't want to be without it as an option. The plusses far outweigh the minuses with this vape, I think.


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
those of you who have become disenchanted with the Ascent for bowl packing issues or past manufacturing defects...I feel you. however, I suggest you stay tuned until whatever is bugging you gets worked out, because this vape already has a lot to like and I think you will be missing out otherwise.

My latest version is a big improvement on the first with tighter seals and the latch. I sense a difference between the two units regarding temp. This one gets hotter and the herb is more spent. I liked how the older one stayed lower, so I have already started backing down. but some wanted hotter and now they have it. I'll be surprised if they don't come out with some sort of spacer solution...this unit begs for it. but no vape gets there on the first swing and the ascent will probably continue to be improved on. My first unit crapped out with the controls, so only time will tell if this one is more reliable in that area.

I love how it feels, the taste, the temp controls and all the bells and whistles I still haven't figured out yet. It's unique in my lineup and I don't want to be without it as an option. The plusses far outweigh the minuses with this vape, I think.
Now there's a testimonial that FAIRLY extols the personal positives and unreservedly reveals areas in need of improvement. I respect that!
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And shepherds we shall be,for Accuracy & Discovery
Howdy, Nigel -


Poor vapor could very well be due to a poor seal/s somewhere (as was often cited in Version 1); e.g., stem conduit seal

Fair enough. I was thinking in terms of packing issues causing poor vapor. But you are correct that poor seals is another issue altogether.

(a fine & dandy modification for a well-functioning unit, but not justified for use with a sub-par unit); drilled jars at customer expense and effort is just wrong from a business-to-consumer standpoint.

I think Sticks made some good points earlier. And personally, I rather like all of the modifications we are coming up with -- It shows off the creativity of this community.

The Ascent really hasn't been released yet... only to a bunch of weed-nerds that are thinking of things that most other people wouldn't.

PS: I say "weed-n3rds" with much love. I'm an aspiring one myself.
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Exactly Snappo! I can't justify paying for a VAPE at this price and then have to finagle it to make it better? I dunno know....

I keep seeing this as a recurring theme. I think people on here expect some golden-encrusted jesus vape that cures all their previous woes. Take it for what it is. It's an excellent handheld portable vape with a large capacity. You don't NEED a spacer to get the job done. The device heats evenly and works just fine with small amounts of material. Alot of people just want perfection. Sure, I'm also one of the people who bought the glass flowers and i've tried them and in my opinion it produces MORE vapor, HOWEVER, does this vape not work effectively without it? Is this really what the consensus is? Bullshit.

It works great without the need for a spacer and either way i'm in for a good session...

With that said, i'd still like to see this as an accessory in the future and look forward to it.


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
I keep seeing this as a recurring theme. I think people on here expect some golden-encrusted jesus vape that cures all their previous woes. Take it for what it is. It's an excellent handheld portable vape with a large capacity. You don't NEED a spacer to get the job done. The device heats evenly and works just fine with small amounts of material. Alot of people just want perfection. Sure, I'm also one of the people who bought the glass flowers and i've tried them and in my opinion it produces MORE vapor, HOWEVER, does this vape not work effectively without it? Is this really what the consensus is? Bullshit.

It works great without the need for a spacer and either way i'm in for a good session...

With that said, i'd still like to see this as an accessory in the future and look forward to it.
Glad you are enjoying YOUR Ascent. You evidently got a good one that functions as it should and to YOUR liking.

Outside of that, I disagree with everything else you said. Cheers:peace:
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Well-Known Member
You don't NEED a spacer to get the job done. The device heats evenly and works just fine with small amounts of material.

It does? From everything that I have read here, if one uses a small amount without any kind of spacer or weights, the bud gets sucked up off the bottom of the vape and will not vape properly. Are you saying that this is not the case and that everyone here who has reported this, is just reporting..........Bullshit?

There are a lot of long time FC veterans here whom you just accused of not telling the truth and the fact that this is coming from a newbie with 6 posts here, I find it all kind of odd.
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And shepherds we shall be,for Accuracy & Discovery
It does? From everything that I have read here, if one uses a small amount without any kind of spacer or weights, the bud gets sucked up off the bottom of the vape and will not vape properly.

Well... not from *everything* you have read here, as I have stated a few times that I have only once or twice had a puck issue. I think it might have to do with the stickiness of my green maybe???

[NOTE: @lwien statement is correct if he fires back with "Yup. Everything *I* read, as I automatically ignore Nigel's posts." But then he couldn't reply to this post, could he. :) :) :)]

A few others have noted no "puck suck" either. (I think we are the minority of users though.)

Regardless, the glass flowers do such a great job, I'm never going back to the puck.

EDIT: I think the issue is automatically presuming that the experience we have is the experience everybody has. And it goes both ways. I've had people with problem units flat out tell me that I am wrong and that I have the same issue that they do, only I'm not smart enough to recognize it. And I'm sure I've projected my good working unit on to others (Like missing @Snappo's point about low vapor being due to physical leaks and only focusing on the packing as being problematic.)
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Why is there vapor/smoke coming out of the bottom of my Ascent? I just got it and I haven't been able to find a thread that answers this question. Also, why were two metal screens included with it? Where are they supposed to go?


Well-Known Member
Well... not from *everything* you have read here, as I have stated a few times that I have only once or twice had a puck issue. I think it might have to do with the stickiness of my green maybe???

[NOTE: @lwien statement is correct if he fires back with "Yup. Everything *I* read, as I automatically ignore Nigel's posts." But then he couldn't reply to this post, could he. :) :) :)]

A few others have noted no "puck suck" either. (I think we are the minority of users though.)

Regardless, the glass flowers do such a great job, I'm never going back to the puck.

Ok, I need some clarification. If one puts a small amount, say .05gr or less of medium ground bud in the bowl and takes a slow to medium draw, will the bud stay on the bottom of the bowl, or not. It just seems from the pure mechanics of the air flow of this vape, that the bud would be sucked off the bottom.
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How do I turn the personal vape settings off and on? I played around with the settings just to try out my new vaporizer, now it's always on.


And shepherds we shall be,for Accuracy & Discovery
Why is there vapor/smoke coming out of the bottom of my Ascent? I just got it and I haven't been able to find a thread that answers this question. Also, why were two metal screens included with it? Where are they supposed to go?

Are you running the unit for burn-in? Empty, right? It could be some curing. Keep up the burn-in. [EDIT: Until it goes away.]

The screen are for optional use. Glass screens can only have holes so fine. I occasionally get little flakes pulled through. So if you don't mind metal, you can put one in the bottom of the bowl (to keep stuff from dropping out) and/or shove it down the glass screen with a skewer or the like. Or maybe place ontop of your product?

Either way, I've ignored them as I'd rather have a few flakes in my mouth than the flavor of the screens.

How do I turn the personal vape settings off and on? I played around with the settings just to try out my new vaporizer, now it's always on.

Did you not get documentation in your box?

Ok, I need some clarification. If one puts a small amount, say .05gr or less of medium ground bud in the bowl and takes a slow to medium draw, will the bud stay on the bottom of the bowl, or not. It just seems from the pure mechanics of the air flow of this vape, that the bud would be sucked off the bottom.

I don't have measurements for you, but I'm going to guess ~0.07-0.14gr. What I was doing was using the oil can to pack it down. That's what makes it a puck. Otherwise it is just loose, and you are right, it will just fly around.

At one point I noted it worked even better if I just left the oil can on top of it. (more glass from thermal retention). So I switched to that until I switched to flowers.
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