HAHAHA!!! i wish!!! between the inability of the unit to stand on it's own, ...the tiny glass flowers with the pointy stems do work very well (better than my experiment with cotton and way better than no spacer/reducer at all), but i have noticed that the straight "stem" my glass flowers had is bending some... so the Ascent bowl is getting the load hot enough to make the glass stem soft and can be bent.
Yes to the stand. @
Adobewan and I were tossing around a few designs for a charging/loading stand. But then bright shinny things came around to distract us...
Are you sure you aren't just noticing bent stems you haven't seen before? 430° is a looooooooog way away from >2600°.
This is what I envision as the ideal purpose-made Ascent bowl spacer.
Can someone explain this to me?
Sorry, all I can see are tick-tac-to boards.
So many mixed reviews here. I dont know what to do. If anyone can help me by answering the following questions it would be much appreciated.
-does the device itself produce a strong smell?
-does the battery really last as long as they say it does?
-how big is the bowl?
> does the device itself produce a strong smell?
Nope. The product INSIDE it does.
I think the device is a bit stinky if I hold it up next to my nose (not in use...just the device + residue). Can't smell a unit in my pocket if that is your question. But in use (use -- not the device itself, but stuff coming out), not so much. Keep in mind there are other variables, like what you have in there. Or, if you like high temps (big clouds) you're going to be a lot more "noticeable" than vaping at lower temps.
> does the battery really last as long as they say it does?
I don't think anyone has had a chance to really test out v1.1 yet.
But, keep in mind that almost NO product lives up to battery life, as those are usually predictions from optimal usage.
Again, behavior has a lot to do with it. Someone burning giant bowls at 430° constantly Is not going to get the same life I will doing tiny bowls at 60° below that. Or ambient temp affects how much energy must be expended for thermal recovery on a freshly hit bowl. Etc. Etc.
> -how big is the bowl?
I updated the wiki yesterday with the dimensions for the oval, but forgot to get height. I'll try to remember that later.
Now, anyone can take exception to my position.
Okay. I'll bite here.
but it is just as conjectural to jump to the conclusion that a member's technique is at fault.
I'll call in to question the equivocation.
Albeit, there will always be some issues with manufacturing, the single largest variable is user behavior. That applies to any device. Not just vapes.
I've used quite a few of these units, and taught number of friends how to use them and everyone has a different set of techniques (it's not just air intake as you suggest, but things like packing, grinding, quality of product, etc). Heck, I was "Mr. Grind'n'tear-was-good-enough-for-granpappy-so-good-enough-for-me" and I saw a performance increase when I finally gave into to grinding.
Or look at the fact that dreamerr, OF, and myself have all used the same exact unit with a variety of results. (none of us were in the same room, so we couldn't "instruct one another.") The human variable is always a big one.
Are there still a few units that have issues? Looks like it. But I think you seriously underestimate the impact user variability can have.
C'mon ...levitating pucks, elusive vapor, McGyver glass bandages, drilling jars, anemic battery?
Agreed. Of course the first 4 things you mention are all basically the same issue. (The last one I addressed in the previous sentence.)
DV has some solutions for the first four things. In the mean time, I am really liking the glass flower solution. The efficiency is vastly improved.
As I mentioned , the larger bowl, by design,will facilitate sharing. I've been out and about with a LARGE number of friends recently. (not all vape, but was cool those of us that did could do so out in the open and no one looked twice). I like that I could throw in more glass when it is just a couple of us, but then reload with less or no glass when there are many more. So that's REALLY modular, in the sense I can use 0-10, dependent upon the circumstance. Is it a pain to work with the glass flower? At first maybe, but now it's just an extra step.
I'll take that extra step as a fair trade for having much greater flexibility.
But, I'm keen to see and play with DV's solutions. It might not be as modular/granular as the flowers, but possibly a better solution for when I know it is just going to be me on the Ascent.
EDIT: Not trying to "blame the user" here, but point out the fact that we all do things slightly differently. That's one of the things that has allowed us to excel as a species.
But I could give y'all the recipe for peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches, ask 10 of you to make them, and get 9 different sammichs back. [9 not 10, 'cause I KNOW one of you is gonna dip fingers into the peanut butter and then not stop until there is nothing left for sammiches.]