Not sure what your background is, but @OF doesn't talk too much about his... he taught this (electrical) stuff for years and worked with it before then... I think he knows what he's doing, his previous posts not only in this thread but in others lead me to believe what he says. You can risk using non-high temp o-rings all you want, I'll skip on that and use something I know will be fine. Take a peek at the current ThermoVape Cera thread and see what kind of experiments he was up to a while ago with it.You accuse me of not providing any thing to back this up! I provide a couple of tests to perform , the one that i say to count # of sessions which will take a few days depending on how often you vape and you come back with one your "YOUR" old cut & pastes that you consider to be gospel in just a few minutes with nothing but a few numbers that don't explain battery drain in only a few minutes??
I have been reading this thread every day for a couple years, don't post much , but like to learn, i don't want to get into pissing match but come on! I've mentioned these things as well as others hundreds of pages ago and you don't regard what is being said and come back with one of your misinformed cut& pastes.
Like the o-ring deal, great idea, works awesome! The idea that it needs to be high temp is totally unfounded and not researched at all. I've worked in the industrial industry for years , did a lot of seal work and design. You would need a high temp o-ring if it was going in the stem because that is the only spot that reaches those temps. Here is a test for you, get yourself a digital temperature gun, heat solo up to the highest temp 7 , when it is up to temp have the gun ready, now pull out stem a hit with heat gun, this can be done in a split second, in that split second your going find that those stems will drop a couple hundred degrees in that time!
I do believe your health concerns were real but have no merit , I actually have a drawer full of high temps for planet vape buying Gong's that i don't use because regular o-rings are available anywhere and sizes better suited i run 14 x2 rings, they also have a softer durometer ( rubber hardness). Planet vape only supplies high temp o-rings because they also read this forum. If Ariser was going to put a seal in you can bet that they would use only what was necessary after doing some "Actual" research! And it wouldn't be high temp.
May I suggest that you spend less time cutting & paste and more time doing actual research that may help others rather than misinforming members with your unfounded beliefs. I used to read all your post's for the first couple months thinking you actually did research and knew what your talking about but I soon found out there's a lot of holes in your theories that you stand behind and everyone else is wrong??
I don't have the time or knowledge to replicate his experiments with thermocouples and measuring volts and whatnot, but what he's said has matched my experience

Anyways... hope everyone has a good day. I just remembered a good friend of mine gave me some cannabutter and I still have it in my (mini) fridge... time to get Gucci