Good ol olivianewtonjohn at it again, this is getting old! We have never responded to all your false accusations and IMOs etc. but eventually we need to represent the truth.
We didn't cut you off because of "negative posts" on this site, you were cut off for being incompetent, allow us to tell the truth please.
Proving my statements right about being treated poorly by you guys......And if you didnt ban me for "negative posts" then thats fine, those were your words in the email you sent me. Maybe im just to incompetent to read your email?
For those interested:
- olivianewtonjohn's claim was that the GonG was so small that the o-ring would not make contact with it see:
that's what I'm saying the o-ring does not make contact with the stem. I know loose stems are common I'm saying I have never heard of a stem that's so loose the o-ring does not make contact. It is not a seal issue but the actual stem that is abnormally loose to the point where an o-ring does nothing."
We put the o-ring on every GonG sold that includes one, it would be pretty obvious if the GonG was so small that the o-ring would not stay on, have yet to see a single stem / GonG that is so small that the o-ring doesn't touch.
- of coarse we had never heard of this, unable to provide pictures or a video, we asked olivianewtonjohn to kindly return the GonG for inspection.
Not true, you never asked me to take a picture or video, please dont put words in my mouth. I didnt think this would have been such a big deal since the issue was obvious and you guys do have a great reputation. Looking back I wish I had taken a video.
- once received, the o-ring fit so tight it was actually difficult to remove from the GonG, we don't get what is wrong with it after testing in several different model Solos. As further "testing" we sold the exact GonG to a known FC member (with their full understanding of the issue reported by olivianewtonjohn), it worked perfect for them too and unfortunately they would not post about it due to fear of reprisal by olivianewtonjohn (we provided links from FC from olivianewtonjohn's posts about the GonG issue).
- only conclusion possible is olivianewtonjohn was using it wrong even after trying to help initially, olivianewtonjohn just insisted that the o-ring didn't even make contact... well yeah maybe when you are using it like this:
Let me start of by saying I have been using an o-ring longer than you have had them on your website. Your welcome to dig through this thread and find the posts. I started off using a #113 facet ring from homedepot. I believe it was @OF who steered me correctly and I ended up with a #113 high temp ring (same thing PV includes).
Please go through my posts in this thread, I have over 600 posts and most are in this thread. I have been reading for hundreds of pages. I have helped many people and you accuse me of not being able to use the o-ring? How about asking if thats what I did? Like I said without changing anything I swapped the GonG to my stock stem and PHVE straight stem and it fit snugly, was loose with only the GonG. In addition I also tried multiple high temp #113 o-rings to see if there was some variance again was loose with your GonG but was tight with all other stems that I tried. If your theory is correct this wouldnt have worked. Fail picture very much appreciated though
- we cancelled olivianewtonjohn's order for yet another GonG because why send another perfect GonG if the original returned one was perfect, we had already refunded olivianewtonjohn including shipping at our expense, why sell the exact same item and expect a different result?
olivianewtonjohn says above "
I challenge anyone to find "negative" posts (about PV)" well here are just a few from a simple search of your posts only in the Solo thread, there are lots more in other threads:
I thought this forum was so we can talk about experiences both good and bad? Maybe your definition of "negative" posts is different than mine. I did in fact order the GonG from you? Its not like I was posting about a company I havent dealt with. I have dealt with you and do feel like I was treated poorly, your above reply with name calling, assuming I dont know how to use an o-ring rather than asking me, are all great examples.
^No clue whats negative about this?
^No clue whats negative about this?
Again whats negative about this? He wanted to return a non-defective item to you guys for the newer one; I gave my opinion. If you guys commonly swap non-defective solos for other non-defective solos then I was wrong. He was welcome to follow my advice or email you guys. Dont see the issue here but ok.....
Wouldnt call this negative. Just factual and my experience. I have had a great experience with PIU as stated, I have had a horrible experience with your company as stated.
Looks like I was trying to help someone who asked about the differences from your stems. Please highlight the negative posts.
Again told the guy my opinion.
This is after my initial report of the problem. @OF said to use an o-ring. I replied letting everyone know I was already using one. Again how is this a negative post?
Asking for advice on wobbly stem. Sharing experience. Not seeing the negativity.
I think this was the day I received the stem. The guy posted about his stem falling out, I experience the same looseness and was seeing if there was a change. How is this negative?
FC has rules, one being:
- Don’t attack products or companies. You can post your opinion, and you can criticize, but posts written to offend are not allowed.
- Please do not revisit an issue unless you have helpful information or constructive comments to add.
- Use of the forum to blackmail companies will not be tolerated.
- Posts in this regard will be evaluated based on perceived intent.
Sorry to derail the thread, but no olivianewtonjohn , we won't be blackmailed by your reprisal of negative posts, sorry.
How is stating my experience "attacking your products or companies"? Please explain your logic would be great. Your attitude is not appreciated and calling me incompetent is also not appreciated. I think you forgot the beginning of that rule you posted. I will post it here since I think its relevant:
"Be Nice
- All members must be treated in a respectful and adult manner. All members should respect and adhere to the promotion of harmony within the community. Do not attempt to disrupt the community in any way."