*******My Cleaning Technique*********
Hey guys. Last night I gave one of my Solo's stems a cleaning and thought I'd share my technique as it's simple and a procedure worth passing on.
I was going to post last night but by the time I was done.....well, it was too effective and I lost the ability to think very clearly..
First thing is to have the proper tools for the job. I have a flat dental spatula I got from a kit of picks and such.
Works quite well to get 90% of the sweetness out. Notice I do not use a screen so the goo has a few chucks in it. No matter as I add it back to a loads worth of herb.
I continue until I get as much as possible with the tool. Then I pull out my small torch and heat the lower part and get a few puffs directly from the stem this way. Great head rushes at that point......
Look, some of the honey has travelled up the tube from the heat of vaping the lower part. Have to scoop that up and add to the herb-goo mix. Gerb..
I then clean the stem with ISO.
Followed by the well deserved session.
The session(s) were freaking endless. It went for 3 FULL 12 minute with end to end clouds and even went into a fourth bout but the taste was getting burny tasting and I needed to concentrate on crawling up to bed.