Well that's pretty helpful to know! Lol!!

Maybe with my use killing the battery in a day or two with the pA is possible. Lol I turn it on in the evening and use it until I eat, switch strains and use until I fall asleep... turning on every time it turns off. However, I onky charged to 6 the first time and just at 7 the second. Last night I charged it fully. After 2 hours on my PA tonight, it is still at 7.

good to know. ..
How would I upload a video here? I Don't want this in the family youtube album with the business info. Lol
My stem is loose now and I don't spread duff sll over he place as much. Lol It is loose enough to flip around in use too. That does help s but more! Maybe I draw too much ot too fast. I was a musician with a set of lungs!
I draw in as strongly as possible for 30-35 seconds and hold it 20-30seconds then exhale half then take in a bit of fresh air and hold again. I keep this up until I exhale no visible vapors before completely exhaling. Because of yhe redistance, I often can't get a full lung full in 30 second draw so i end of inhaling more fresh air after my draw before holding. I haven't a clue if my use is normal. Once I have to turn it up past four or the flavor is gone I don't hold it so long. Darned if I know if my use is normal.... I use a lot. X)
I thought iso left some addative in it that made it inedible or inhalable.... that won't evaporate? What do you do with it?
If I tried to wipe up oil with a qtip and reuse it, would it just stick all over the oil and stem? Could i soak it in Vodka? Lol It's disturbing to think all this gook could be in my lungs.
If I cooked my stem in a pot of butter, is there enough oil in it to make a batch of cookies? Lol would it even clean it off? :-/
You are right... The cable the outlet to the adaptor is almost twice as thick as from box to solo... both thicker thicker than the charging cable. My solo gets hot, but never the pa. It is hard to imagine the charger holding up to this, true. It would be nice to reduce hiw many things I have to crawl behind the bed and plug in. My plot was to never charge it...
Ty for the mouthpiece tip! As soon as I find a ride to the local smoke shop with My solo I ought find something similar! The stem gets pretty hot in my mouth. maybe this will help. I'm still thinking about a wood stem...
Does the o-ring go in the heating chamber under the stem?! I don't get it... photo?