Last night, I was feeling a little crafty, so I now have a Planet Vape Do-It-Yourself Glass on Glass Medium Efficiency Stem (or PVDIYGonGMES

I'll post pics shortly, but basically I took my 14mm gong stem (that I originally got from pv), and marked out 5 dots approximately evenly around the rim of the stem.
I don't have a dremmel, but I do have a dremmel kit, that came with the cutting wheels etc.
I just used a hand drill, and put the dremmel piece in there...
It's a bit of a mcguyvered setup, and it's not necessarily the safest, so just be smart if you're playing with power tools [/disclaimer].
Anyways, I grabbed my eye protection (DON'T TRY CUTTING GLASS WITHOUT EYE PROTECTION. Cut corners other places if you must, but every time I've tried cutting a stem, I've had a chip or 2 hit my eyeware...) which was just a big pair of old sunglasses that covers my eyes thoroughly
I made a shorty stem out of a bent stem once, using the little disposable cutting wheels (they kinda look like a disc of hard sandpaper).
For this job I used the reinforced cutting wheel, which is a decent bit thicker than the disposable ones, and won't break too easily.
Anyways, I cut a small slit out of the edge of the stem where I'd marked, leaving me with 5 little notches approx 1-2mm deep.
I figured they'd orobably be kinda sharp, so I grabbed my big chefs torch I use for heating my nail, and torched the notches a bit till it looked like they had sealed up a bit (it's sorta hard to describe)
I think the torching might've made my stem fit a little snugger, since I don't remember the fit being as snug before this little experiment, but I digress...
I got a moderate improvement to airflow, maybe 15-20%, hence my calling it a "medium" efficiency stem.
Basically, I used to lift the solo a smidge so that the stem wouldn't block flow, with these notches, I notice no difference lifting the stem, so I've at least gained that much flow.
I'm thinking I'll try turning it into a "turbo" stem next, I'm jut not sure the best way to do that.
I was thinking of trying to replicate the side channels of the pvhes, but I've got NFI how to do it cleanly and safely, so I'll let that go for now...