My favorite sessions are when I start and end on 3.
Really? You get hits with full sess's at 3?
My favorite sessions are when I start and end on 3.
yup. I'll finish the whole stem at 3 and enjoy the taste til the end. I find one stem of anything I am getting these days get me there. I'm getting a small supply of better quality abv that I hope to get some use out of...all my older abv was always pretty spent and not that impressive for edibles.Really? You get hits with full sess's at 3?
yup. I'll finish the whole stem at 3 and enjoy the taste til the end. I find one stem of anything I am getting these days get me there. I'm getting a small supply of better quality abv that I hope to get some use out of...all my older abv was always pretty spent and not that impressive for edibles.
I usually start at 4 and go to 5 or 6 depending on my mood. But I put my stem in right away before it actually heats up. By the time it gets to 4 and I mean instantly I hit it and get great vapor. So you don't have to wait another minute to heat it IMHO.Thanks for the info on the fake aroma bowl...It would be great if it worked cause then after using the vape in a non friendly place you put in some flowers and make the room smell good to "them"...we like our smell better.
Ok got it about the draw. No at first I was trying to draw when it heated. I know now to let it warm up. This also means that that warm up time is looooonnnnnnnnnnnnng which is I guess bothering me. I have no patience to wait for long heat up times which is why I loved the MFLB and now why I love the INH. The DV takes to long for me and it is faster then the solo for the first draw. I will time it eventually but from the videos and from what I read up to two mins to heat(I doubt it takes that long) and then another minute to heat the herb to be able to hit.
Thanks for the suggestions. I will report back if I vape today but I don't think I can. I need my meds but will have to keep doing alternatives today and that doesn't work as well.
I tend to hoard and whenever I'm offered something good I get it so that there's always variety. As Dreamerr mentioned earlier in the thread, us women are prone to changing our minds!
I also NEVER pack my stem. I just suck it up till its fullI have an M1A3 man, it gives me CLOUDS and I love it and so does everyone that has tried has changed my life, I have been able to push my running past the 60 mile/week mark that I could not hit before, while being baked the whole time (and during xD)!
I recommend this:
1. Stick stem in empty, set to heat to 4 with it in
2. Medium to coarse grind (NOT FINE, you want air flow)
3. When its @ 3-4 with the stem, suck in, DO NOT PACK, just barely top off
4. start ripping! I get about 4-10 fat rips depending on the quality of the danks
Nice running milestone. I was blow away when I hit 20 miles/week over the summer.
I always thought about pre-heating the stem, but I wasn't sure if it was a good idea since you then need to load the hot thing. But I'll give it a college try this morning.
love my arizer. use it everyday and never have to clean it, not even once.. i dnt even care bout the stem being dirty cuz its goin to be used in that 100% milk method soon..
im goin to order eds wood stem pretty soon so i can carry this around easier.. im gettn tired of bringin the pax and having to mess with it just to get vaped..
the solo is my favorite too, and when I run out I just torch the stem attached to my m&m tech fc bubbler, I love a resinated stem! whats the milk method?
cant wait to do this.Bro - thanks, I am going to do this. I actually have a brand new dremmel that I am dying to use. If I have any issues finding your posts I will definitely PM you.
I also wanted to let everyone know that I tried the milk trick with my solo stem - sticksstones actually mentioned it in the past as he heard it from someone else - its f*cking awesome! I filled a pot with enough milk to submerge my straight solo stem in (obviously full of vapor-honey), brought the milk to a boil and let it simmer for a few minutes until all the ickyness parted the glass and now was floating in the milk. The stem came out clean as a whistle - I added some *bosco* to the milk and enjoyed the best hot chocolate I've had in ages. And by best I mean it got me stoned!![]()
That is such a good idea im gonna try that with both my ssv wand and solo stems
Yeah i Will I usually end up ruining any edibles or concentrates ive previously tried to make tho just warning you hahaha