Noob Saibot
If anyone knows any true fixes, without a reduction in vapor quality, please let me know.
Yeah this is the new trick I use, nothing but the stem + Solo.
Maybe it's just the stem I use but I can move it about 1 degree from side to side. Also mind you the stem in held in place by the bong since I use the glass-on-glass thing but, but the principle is the same. So I either:
1. Move the Solo back and forth 1 degree or so, so the flat bottom of the Solo bowl sort of acts like a lid on a pot, and you are removing/putting on the lid on that 1 degree angle. Or sort of like a clam opening/closing back up.
2. Just move the Solo around, or the stem in a circle. I don't mean turning the stem, but sort of pushing it around on that 1 degree lean, in a circle. This is my favorite method and I seem to get nonstop vapor this way.
And finally, if that is to hard to understand or doesn't work, you can just move/slide the stem a bit out of the Solo bowl, to let more air in between the herb and the bowl.
And finallly finally, if you pack your stem too hard, no air can pass through. If it's packed, you have to suck like crazy and barely get anything. I am tending to pack it less and less the more I use my Solo. It's more fun to inhale without much drag, and get huge clouds by packing it less this way!