The magic flight box is a great vaporizer, but with a different appeal than the solo. It heats up instantly, makes very little smell, is very small even comparativly, much more inconspicuous, can do micro loads better, is much less breakable, has no hot parts to burn yourself on, takes one hand to operate, is pre-packable. I use my magic-flight out and about more than my solo because of these reasons. My solo is my 'session' vaporizer somewhere where you have the time, and space to lay out a grinder, put down the vaporizer to comfortably pack the bat, and have the time to wait for a warm up. Of course you get way bigger tokes than the magic flight, but not ones good to use incognito like the magic flight. To give you an idea, you can use the magic flight anywhere from a movie theater to the lavatory at work, with people within earshot and eyesight, and get away with it if you're sly. Because the magic flight doesn't cost so much, and I have a solo, I'm not as afraid to get my magic-flight confiscated so I have less of a fear of using it on the go. Getting a 300$ solo confiscated would not be cool. I get pretty big hits off of my magic-flight, especially after investing in a spacecase over a four piece cheapo aluminum grinder, and powerex 2700s over stock batteries. I will go as far to say that you can finish your product more thoroughly, and therefor get more out of a smaller amount, through the magicflight. This is because the screen is very fine, and you can powder the shit out of your herbs without sucking through. The solo which takes a larger load and leaves the rear slightly less finished than the front, though still cooked at I guess a light 180c, as a few flakes are always a golden medium brown. The magic flight with good shake and powder and technique will get you a very dark brown powder.
The solo delivers much thicker, and tastier hits than the magicflight's soft and discreet ones. They both get you to the same place with roughly the same volume of product. Ironically enough I have never combusted with the solo but have with the magic flight. They both are good in their own ways. So I choose both as my primary vapes, as neither require a wall tether and all my vape needs are satisfied for now.