I'm so excited to get mine!! Sweet video, what kind of piece were you using? Also, what did you use to connect it to the waterpipe
Willeh said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7ZMvifwLXU
Short and sweet video of how I use my solo with some fine oregano and a water filter.
As I try the usual vaporizer recommendations (Finer grind, looser pack, drier herbs, slower pull, longer heater time) with more prudence, I'm finding this thing to be quite the beast... I am truly wondering if I need any other vaporizers at all.
SD_haze said:Am I the only one who doesnt see that being very portable for a portable vape?
I guess without the glass mouthpiece it could fit in a cargo pocket but...that thing is pretty beefy.
You think you can post a pic of the Solo next to the VG classic?Willeh said:I actually find it perfectly portable for myself. I think the vapor genie classic takes up about the same pocket space. I think the camera makes it 'gain five pounds'. When I got it I was surprised at how much it really was the size of a small redbull can. I turn it on and let it warm up in my pocket with the cap on, and it fits comfortably in all my jeans' front pockets as long as it has a pocket dedicated to it and my spacecase carrying case. I keep the glass stem in my other pocket in a small bubblewrap sack with usually just my wallet, car keys, and phone. It heats quickly too, and is great for random on the go outdoor sessions, in the car, friends houses, freezer at work. There is almost no hassle in setting up a vapor session anywhere.
Sounds like my feelings the first go I had at the log vapes!jdee said:...
The milkshake thing is because I found at times the airflow to be pretty restrictive due to the design.
extremevape420 said:just got my solo last night it blew away my iolite in 1 hit, this thing is a machine best 230$ spent in a long while keep it up arizer. nice and small but has some weight to it. it feels like its built well i recommend this vape to anyone and everyone