Well, guys... I've got some good'ish news.
I broke my PVHES... just about a week after getting it. How's that good news?
Well, it's salvageable.
I was sitting down, had the vape in my lap and on. Sat up and it fell onto my rug... made a normal sound, heard no glass breaking, and pick it up and sat back down. Ended up turning off the vape and finishing that bowl later... which was/is NOW. After finishing that pack, I was taking out the stem when I heard a grinding sound... I knew immediately what had happened.
I took it out, emptied out loose glass shards, and assessed the damage. Two sides, directly across from each other, were somewhat chipped. Essentially "cut down"... the cuts, while somewhat jagged, were relatively straight, fortunately. The other two sides of the bowl, again, directly across from each other, were unharmed.
I ended up dulling the jagged glass by rubbing it across a hard rock, and essentially smoothed it down. It still packs, still fits in the Solo, and still hits rather well. I'll try out the stock stem again and see how it hits compared to this refurbished (for lack of a better term) PVHES, but AFAIC, I'm going to continue to use the PVHES.
Speaks volumes about the quality of the stem. Even when it's broken, it's still performs very well, and much better than the original.