I don't think it's that either, but i'm definitely going to compare it to my brand new one when it arrives, and if i'm still not happy with the answer, i'll email Arizer and ask. I know airflow is getting through because there is a hole that extends up the side. I can take it apart and look which I may even end up doing, i've had a Solo to bits before. Upon closer inspection it appears that another hole has it slightly, and it's also a round edge which makes me think there is a round separate plate right under? Doesn't bother me enough to take apart yet but i'll snap some more pics down the road so you can see it easier.
I can only handle it on low temperatures, but overall the pure convective nature of its design would irritate my throat and causes coughing reflexes or sometimes sneezing due to the massive amount of terpenes in one go. It's not just the Vrip, I have the same issues and sensitivities with other primarily convection vapes such as the Herbalizer, EQ, EVO, LSV, etc. Unless it's low temp, those vapes are completely useless to me unless I want to rip apart my lungs with hot air which eventually causes me bronchitis episodes. This just doesn't happen with the Solo!!!!
Don't make me report you bro

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Well, I hope it's the Solo but I have some serious medical needs especially lately with super high stress and anxiety and sleeping has been a massive struggle due to ptsd, yet I slept 7.5hours straight like a light last night? This is pretty much unheard of, and i'm thinking that the Solo has much to do with it! With the Solo I can literally keep extracting
as long as I want to! It never seems to end, and perhaps it's those toasty hits that have been marinating for a while? They don't take great, and in fact I detect some hints of combustion in the taste, and it comes out basically near black - but it still doesn't fully combust, and i'm wondering if there are some qualities in that "overvaped biomass" that help maintain a full night of sleep? Could be other variables for me personally, but this is one key element I will be keeping my eye on as i've never really had vapes with much of a conduction component. The Crafty/Mighty just stop producing vapour, it's hard to overvape the biomass like a Solo, so impossible for me to compare (although the S&B products do extract really well too).
Abstaining is much better than a joint IMHO! Now where is the smiley icon for vomit?