Arizer Solo


Well-Known Member
Just got my first solo : ) Let it run for five minutes this morning to clear off factory shit and gave it a try with a very small amount of herb. Incredibly pleased with it so far even based off of that one tiny bowl. My main worry was that you'd have to inhale pretty hard, as I'd heard, and you actually don't have to inhale hard at all. Can't wait for the workday to be over to go home and test it out some more


Really digging this Girl Scout Cookies with a fresh cleaned stem and a nice grind at level 2 today. Got some of the really good coffee from a little out-of-the-way coffee shop and a nice breakfast in front of me... Some would say "But Q, why are you enjoying the cookies before you eat?" And I would say to them... I'm not sure where I was going with this. Listening to George Carlin and Patrice O'neal. Have a good day everyone, and don't forget the government is out to get us all :D


Well-Known Member
Really digging this Girl Scout Cookies with a fresh cleaned stem and a nice grind at level 2 today.

Have a good day everyone, and don't forget the government is out to get us all :D

I too enjoy GSC, but I got a similar strain the other day, "Thin Mint Cookies"......exceptionally fine, gotta get some more of that.

In regards to the last part, let's remember Dr. Johnny Fever from 'WKRP in Cincinnati' who put it so clearly, "Everybody is out to get you, paranoia is just good thinking!". Words to live by......



Well-Known Member
One thing that I can't deny about the Solo; the instructions that came with it are not especially helpful. I figured out how to load it, charge it, turn it on and so on from the instructions, but in terms of cleaning and useful tips I'm a total noob.

Tried fitting a screen over the holes in the mouthpiece to prevent my more finely ground materials from getting in there but the screens I used were too big so I'll be cutting them down tonight.

Any other tips for a first time user? I thought I'd heard something about being sure to ISO wash it before using first but google turned up nothing.

Also heard that silicone o-rings help the stems from being loose, although I found a youtube guide that advises rubbing the existing ring with your finger/the unscrewed top of the solo to solve the loose stem issue. Damned if it didn't totally work, at least for 10 minutes, so that was neat.

Usually when I get a new vape I spend a bunch of time looking up good habits first but that first test bowl in the solo this morning went so smooth I just want to go home tonight and just vape away happily without a care in the world. Of course, if anyone has any tips on how to get more out of it, I'm all ears : )

Only other thing that I noticed is that the top wasn't especially easy to unscrew; the threads seemed to catch a bit every second revolution or so. I'm assuming that you generally don't want to take this off unless cleaning, though (and maybe not even then) so I doubt this is a big deal, and will also probably get easier to unscrew once it's broken in.
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When you turn it on if you hold the up button for a few seconds it turns off the startup beep, it won't make a sound though telling you it turned it off. Hold it again and it will beep at you and beep on startup. Holding down the down button will recall the last set temperature before it turned off. Don't pack the stem too tightly. 5/8 in screens will fit inside but will dome up a little bit which imo is better than a screen sitting flat against the glass screen. Don't need to ISO the solo just the stems. I clean all my glass before first use anyways so no big deal to me. Spend some time getting to know how it works, the taste is quite good on level 2 but at that level you don't have as much heat to play with and requires a little finesse and patience to get bigger hits. But my goodness the taste and effects are fantastic. There aren't many need-to-know tips, you've already found out how easy it is to get going without a lot of information.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
@deffjaniels Welcome aboard and hang on the Solo will keep you medicated and the forum will keep you on the edge of your seat with lots of fun and info.

You really can't go wrong with this portable with its way of producing really great vapor from your herb. It doesnt use a lot of product either. You will save money as well as enjoying some really good vapor flavor. Your unit is easy to use as well as to clean.

You mainly need to clean the glass stems.

I wish you many years of service from your new vaporizing tool.


Well-Known Member
always get at least 2 spare stems, Ataxian and I know of what we speak :)

Broken so many stems! When I first got the Solo way back I remember getting tired of having to wait for another to arrive in the mail that I ordered a bunch, like over 10 or 15. For the longest time I still had the two hole stems well after they switched to the four hole style, ahaha.


New Member
We've had our Solo for about a year and a half / two years now and it's been great......up until yesterday. No problems this whole time and now, all of a sudden, it won't turn off no matter what I do. It *will* eventually do its automatic shutoff thing, but.....gotta say, not my favourite thing, especially in a device that has a heating element! :\ Anyone else had this issue? I've contacted Arizer and (where I bought it), so we'll see what they say but, with it being this long after I bought it, I have no idea where the receipt went. :rolleyes: Guess we'll see how it goes...


FC member
SOLOs warranty is 2 years, however without the receipt i don't know. Arizer do ask for the receipt hopefully the retailer will sort you.
Did you try a reset?
Are both buttons working when you change the temp up and down?
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New Member
SOLOs warranty is 2 years, however without the receipt i don't know. Arizer do ask for the receipt hopefully the retailer will sort you.
Did you try a reset?
Are both buttons working when you change the temp up and down?

Nope, didn't know there was a reset! How does that work? The buttons are working, but not as well as they should....takes a couple/few presses to get the heat down one level, if that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
I think the buttons are your problem then. they both need to be pressed simultaneously so if one doesn't make good contact the unit will not switch of.

I agree, switches are classic failures over time. However, the OP reports no trouble turning it on? That takes the same action. As you suggest, a good test is to try the up and down switches in operation. Paying special attention to the 'feel' and sound (often a clue one of the spot welds in the over center spring has broken loose. In such cases, you can sometimes get normal action pressing in one way but not another.

It would also be interesting to know how it does in PA mode (since it's old enough.....). It should shut off and then immediately restart, beeping each time.

If the switches do function OK the OP may decide to simply use the down key to put the heater in standby at the end of the session until it times out rather than replacing it?



Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Look what i found..... As soon as I saw it, reminded me of @ataxian for some reason? :D


It's like the WT which has been posted a few times now. @OF's find at DHGate started it I believe. This one is the same as DHGate sells but under 1/2 the price. And also with free shipping here. Yet another candidate for the Hybrid ego/solo stem mod I've posted a couple times.



Well-Known Member
Look what i found..... As soon as I saw it, reminded me of @ataxian for some reason? :D

Great! Most of us don't know what Ataxian really looks like, thanks to your we now know what to look out for........

I think I saw a guy that looked like that at the carnival the other night (he has big feet, right?), giving candy to children no less, should I contact the authorities?



FC member
I agree, switches are classic failures over time. However, the OP reports no trouble turning it on? That takes the same action. As you suggest, a good test is to try the up and down switches in operation. Paying special attention to the 'feel' and sound (often a clue one of the spot welds in the over center spring has broken loose. In such cases, you can sometimes get normal action pressing in one way but not another.

It would also be interesting to know how it does in PA mode (since it's old enough.....). It should shut off and then immediately restart, beeping each time.

If the switches do function OK the OP may decide to simply use the down key to put the heater in standby at the end of the session until it times out rather than replacing it?

Oh i forgot about turning it on requiring both switches, its just naturally automatic to my fingers now.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I think I mistakenly a while back said the Solo had a three year warranty, sorry about that.

It has a 1 yr warranty on the battery and a 2 yr warranty on the unit. Arizer will honor your warranty even if you didn't buy at authorized dealer. Make sure you alway keep your receipt.

You will love the Solo's heat up time and its versatility


Hello friends, I came across a great deal on a BNIB Solo (M1A) so I simply could not resist. Had a session with a 1/2 filled aroma tube (without a screen, for a first) and was blown away by the flavour and vapour density! I did notice that the bent stem has more airflow than the straight, even though the hole sizes look the same.

So now it's time to accessorize! Previously I was using EpicVapes open bored adjustable basket screen gong, but it just barely fit and stretch out the teflon ring somewhat. Furthermore, EV's newer gong's are thicker and don't fit at all, so now it's time to look to PV! I see everything is in stock (unusual) and i'm curious what gong I should buy.

So, i'm thinking of just sticking with the stock gong (NON-pvhes), and taking my draws nice and slow, but I wonder if I should get the pvhes version as well? I understand that the QC on these are hit and miss because they aren't made of "cut aroma tubes", and i'm concerned about "too much airflow" which I though i've experienced in the past. Time has lapsed and my tastes have changed over time, so I wonder if it's worth it to buy both? And is anyone happy with the open bore turbo style? I suppose I could just buy all 3, but i've been on a VAS and GAS bender lately, and need to slow it down!

Arizer will honor your warranty even if you didn't buy at authorized dealer. Make sure you alway keep your receipt.

What if it was a gift? I registered my Solo on arizer's website, and I received an autogenerated reply that a receipt is needed for proof of date of purchase. But what if a Solo is received as a gift with no chance of getting the receipt....will Arizer leave those of us in the dark?

Fortunately, i've own ALOT of Solo's....i'm not kidding when I say over a dozen....and i've never ever had a single glitch with any of them, so hopefully warranty will never even be needed.
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Well-Known Member
What if it was a gift? I registered my Solo on arizer's website, and I received an autogenerated reply that a receipt is needed for proof of date of purchase. But what if a Solo is received as a gift with no chance of getting the receipt....will Arizer leave those of us in the dark?

From a legal POV you have no claim. You have no (purchase) contract, therefore no basis (what would be called 'standing' under slightly different conditions). The contract exists with the original buyer. You might have to 'work through him' and even then they could insist on that proof of purchase since it's in the original contract.

Hopefully 'push won't come to shove', Arizer has a good reputation in this area (typically going by date of manufacture only), but that's their option (same as any other maker). A contract is only enforceable if both sides exchange things of value (vape for bucks for example). If I agree to let you say use my car for free, even in writing, then change my mind you're SOL even if you plan a big date or road trip on that basis you have to cancel. "Quid pro quo" and all that. Value has to be exchanged and the guy who got it as a gift gave nothing.

Anyway, that's what I understand the situation is. There's a contract that obligates Arizer under the conditions specified (age, covered conditions, proof of purchase, return postage, 'repair or replace', and so on) that doesn't include a guy who buys second hand or gets it as a gift (or finds it....). He has no contract. In any event the guy requesting warranty service has responsibility to 'hold up his end of the contract'.

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