I take mah in this case doesn't really effect the battery life in this case? Because the purple efest is 700mah, while the red is 800mah. I noticed a local store has the purple 18350 in a version 2. Are they already on version 2 for the purples?
Then again the AW or purple efest 18500 is pretty tempting also.
all efest colors
v1 = flat top
v2 = nipple top
the red efest are rated 800mah at 6amps (?) and the purple are rated 700mah at 10.5 amps. The purples can handle a higher amperage rate, kinda like a 7 gear 8cyllinder car and highway miles vs a 4 gear 4cyllinder. Sometimes it happens that way with proper gearing (chemical mixtures).
FYI the purple 18500 EFEST is rated the same as the other 18500 batteries, around 1kmah and 15A rating. Only the 18350 is special for efest, no one has anything similar yet.
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