Is there a difference between orange silicone o-rings and red silicone o-rings?
I'll go in on it with ya, maybe we can find 3 other people and split it 5 ways at 10 pieces per person, we'll have to message about how to transfer money but let's see if we can find some more people
I'll be yer huckleberry! I'm in for a few......
I know they are not high temp but fasttech also sells silicone o rings in the size your looking for ... hopefully the durometer of the rings you're looking at is compatible with your Igo. I know if I got rings that were much higher durometer than what I have on the phoenix v6 it would be impossible to get the pieces back together but it also shreds rings pretty quickly.
so @fernand your miniPT2 coil heads are not the same as your aerotank mini coil heads. the PT2 coil heads will thread into the aerotank, but wont be long enough for use with liquids. also the new coil heads should be better at preventing leaks.
i would use the aerotank mini if i were you.
The chimney coil works good in a kayfun or protank rebuild for e fluids, but poorly for straight concentrates, because it can be hard to pack, and then viscous oil will easily flow into and block the air intake.
At least in my experience...
It would work but the purpose of the chimney coil is to increase airflow, in a build where the air feeds from below the coil, so a chimney chill in a igo-w, while functional would be redundant. One of the reasons at least I place coils in horizontally and almost touching the deck, is so that it can catch the viscous oil that runs away from the saturated wick when things get real hot in there. That way I don't have to rearrange the oil after each hit, I can put in about as much as I want and happily puff away till it's all dried up inside. The more I put in the more puffs I get till it's dried up, with at the most 1 rearrange every once in a while.Thanks for the feedback. So that won't be that simple: viscosity, stickiness, thermal properties of the material, gravity...
What if the coil/chimney is mounted horizontally? In RDAs, the holes are usually on the side. The excess concentrate could flow by the sides to the bottom of the wick, leaving the air flow open.
That drip tip is dope. Is that glass? And where can I find it?I agree with @215z this should be split into two threads
Just scooped a new drip tip for the trident v2
I really wish they made an RDA with a conical ceramic dish.
Nice find, looks like a delta9/uptech kiss cart. Stainless steel and 510 threads are in improvement over the Kiss's aluminum outer shell and 601 threads. Where can you score them for $15 a two-pack? I've seen them for double.
The Rainbow Heaven terminator dripper has a ceramic cup with an airhole in the center, like the w9/up, divine tribe, and vaped skillets, but was designed to be rebuilt again and again.
both resulting liquids today appeared perfectly clear and with no tendency so far to separate at std. room temperature.
I only use my trident for concentrate. The drip tip has a ss base with an exhaust style tip made from Pyrex.That drip tip is dope. Is that glass? And where can I find it?
Also do you use your trident for concentrate? I have one as well and I've come to this thread in search of a decent rebuildable that is suited for oils but I'm still browsing along for the answer. I really wish they made an RDA with a conical ceramic dish.
I only use my trident for concentrate. The drip tip has a ss base with an exhaust style tip made from Pyrex.
Nice! Just saw the tip come up on fast tech and I added it to my cart. I would use my trident for oils but it's my only dripper therefore dedicated to nicotine fluid and I can't think of any super efficient build that I could use.
On a side note, I ordered the skillet with divine tribes and will likely throw up a review on here and maybe even YouTube since it looks dope and I'm yet to find any info on it. On top of that I've gotten in touch with the manufacturer and he told me that he is working on another device and sent over pics and all I can say is damn we are in for a surprise in the pen vape world.
You want to post those pictures...
My setup is two micro coils with 10 wraps using 28g kanthal in parallel, it works well imo. You should give it a try on your trident if you don't mind building coils.
It's a discreet atomizer with a conical chamber that leads down to a "Vapin' Donut'" it's like a ceramic washer that heats up.