I'm still having a huge great time with my 30mm clear deep dish with 710 coil to match and Auber controller! I also noticed that Troy from 420 vapezone recently acknowledged just how awesome this unique 710 coils type of setup really is in a recent video of his.
I once thought it may not be his thing as he seemed to like starting out cold with a butane type unit but no, no, he really likes it he said!!
The praise the system gets on here, plus my own feelings, is already enough anyway!
My unit didn't work for me one time, what was the problem......? I had just forgot to press the power button DUH!!!
So yeah that's about all that can go wrong with this baby!
I still didn't go back to trying my two little quartz terp pearls, or don't see a big need, and can't figure out if I'll ever try an insert, maybe I should watch a video on that.
I did a first little deep clean with iso soak, then iso wipes and a poker tool, not bad but took a while, maybe I'll need that DC cleaner stuff.
Some questions for people here if anyone is still reading!:
When you use pearls, are you supposed to level the banger and rotate the ball cap to make the pearls swirl around the base in a circle motion?
When you don't use pearls or insert, do you just plonk the ball cap on there sitting straight, or do you motion it around to point the air at different parts. I got this nice swirling habit from a video but not quite sure it's needed.
Does anyone do it dry, without water, or everybody use water in the rig?
Did anyone else ever take such a strong hit from one of these, that they needed to jump around the room for quite a while with their nose watering and stinging, and their legs in a very jumpy restless state!?

(kind of joking) Did anyone ever consider filling the banger full of herb to make a fun, knockout conduction vape experiment?!
Thank you and Happy Halloween!