4ShOObY3 - IG
I definitely suck at keeping my 30mm clean (even with q-tips), is an ultrasonic cleaner ok for opaque quartz? I usually just put my glass in there for 1-2 minutes in a bag of warm iso to get it good as new.
Im no expert on quartz or opaque dabbing but i may suggest you are dabbing at a bit too high of a temp.
How many dabs would you say you did out of that since it was last clean?
Soak it in ISO, Dark crystal, Simple Green or try hot water.
If not, heat it for like 15 secs with torch and put some dark crystal is the best for me. Maybe try ISO but warm and not hot. And qtip will warm to get out the carbon.
If your gonna use the ultrasonic, maybe move it around when its inside so it can shake the carbon our of the tiny holes.
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