Complete noob here, please excuse the lack of knowledge and feel free to edumedicate me

Managed to ditch work. Squashed a gram of strawberry haze which had a pretty decent yield..
Initially I set the auber 300 controller to 510f and let it sit for a few mins with 2 terp pearls in the banger.
Tried a dab and although it tasted quite nice initially, it took me multiple pulls to still not really finish it.
Tried again at 520 and 530 but unable to finish the dab in one. Or maybe I have and the rest should just be mopped up with qtips??
I'm not sure if I'm doing large enough dabs too as I'm not really seeing thick milky clouds.
Also cleaning..
I'm using qtips after every dab and dipping in purified water but I can't seem to keep the base of the banger spotless. There's a brown ring on the side opposite the coil handle. Does this matter? If it does, does anyone have any tips to remove it between dabs?
I used 2 clips, but one band:
I'm not sure if the cap is sealing properly when swirled. I'm just waiting for the banger to cool so I can check it properly.
I will say after 3 dabs I'm pretty stoned tho lol
[Edit] yes, because the gordo bubble cap has a second side airflow inlet and because of where it's positioned, the cap isn't perfectly round.
If I lean it to the opposite side, I get a much better seal