2ZM by Herbaltherm


Active Member
I actually haven't used a S&B capsule, I was just using it as a visual comparison. I will try and get back to you.

Okay, interesting. I just tested with an S&B caspule.

1. You cannot effectively use a 19/26, but you can use a 19/22 joint
2. You have to ride the battery harder
3. I cannot get as much vapor
4. Seems less efficient overall, and you have to almost constantly be pulling warm air over it

I cannot say I recommend this.
I'm fantasizing about hitting mine once Ryan wraps up.

Why would the 19/22 work as opposed to the 26?
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Old & In the Way
Why would the 19/22 work as opposed to the 26?

The longer, 26mm joint continues at the same taper as the 22, but the length means it has a narrower opening, so a capsule won't fit.
Interesting, and I'll check later, but I don't think S&B capsules fit in any of the 19/22 glass joints that I have...
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