2ZM by Herbaltherm


Well-Known Member
This has a slower heatup than a Milaana, seems more forgiving, but has more momentum.
I second this... it gets just as hot but it takes a much more gradual approach to getting there. And it seems like it holds heat longer.

The more I use it the more I like the description "conduction assisted" for whater conduction is going on in there. The heater holds heat longer and imparts more heat to the stem so your hits are starting at a higher radiant temp, so you're already part of the way there. Like cooking a room temp steak vs one you just took out of the fridge. It takes less time and energy to cook the one that's starting at a higher temperature, even if it's not enough by itself to do any actual cooking. I definitely don't feel like there's enough to really say hybrid cause I can do a couple back to back and still touch the rim of the screen without an accompanying burn mark lol.


Darth Vapor
I second this... it gets just as hot but it takes a much more gradual approach to getting there. And it seems like it holds heat longer.

The more I use it the more I like the description "conduction assisted" for whater conduction is going on in there. The heater holds heat longer and imparts more heat to the stem so your hits are starting at a higher radiant temp, so you're already part of the way there. Like cooking a room temp steak vs one you just took out of the fridge. It takes less time and energy to cook the one that's starting at a higher temperature, even if it's not enough by itself to do any actual cooking. I definitely don't feel like there's enough to really say hybrid cause I can do a couple back to back and still touch the rim of the screen without an accompanying burn mark lol.

Well said.


Well-Known Member

Thanks for posting this one... I definitely just ordered that stem from TRWW. I'm eventually gonna get something from GBV but I was looking for something more economical for the moment and I totally missed it the first time I checked. Between the 2ZM and the tempest pre-order my vape budget is kind of hurting right now lol.


Well-Known Member
Company Rep
You guys take such nice 2ZM pics! :bowdown:I finally got to try the 2ZM and I'm finding it easier to use than my Milaana 1 but with more power. You can ride the button and get it dark but it's also much easier to manage super terpy hits that keep the herb green. I've been leaving a packed stem in the 2ZM and grabbing a hit or two every couple hours and it works great. Then I tried crushing 3 bowls in one sitting and had to take a nap lol. Loving it so far

If it is now 19/26 it would actually be really nice to use all the variety of lamart stems...
Yep it's 19/26 german glass!
Quick question, can a 18-14mm adaptor be used? I used to love ripping little bowls out of my mi.
Yes absolutely you can connect 18/14mm adapter! The efficiency will be insane with the 14mm bowls :whoa:
Yeah, I tried a few then just got one from ddave back in the day. I'm basically sold, just need to see some usage videos to allay my final concerns!
We do have a Herbaltherm Youtube with lots of vids but no 2ZM usage yet. I'll be posting usage vids here on FC as well as Youtube and Instagram. You can always stop by our Instagram Lives on Mondays @ 7pm pst--we use the 2ZM a ton! I'm happy to answer questions and make whatever type of usage videos you want to see

2ZM basics video Here's a video from Ryan showing the basics of the 2ZM in the meantime :)

Based on my experience with the Zion style heater, and considering the increased surface area of the heater on this device, i know it is a beast.

I like the increased depth of the female joint, making it very adaptable to tons of glass options that i already own, and more that are readily available.

Size is big, but seems to be a more around the house style portable, or even a beautiful piece you can leave out as a "portable desk top" instead of the alternative true corded desktop.

The real cold to on demand style of almost instant and powerful convection heavy vapor has really never been matched outside of what Ryan had produced IMO. Tafee comes to mind, not nearly as powerful but fun quality vapor. Tiny Might? Great (better) vapor quality too but always a pain in the ass to clean/maintain IMO, and doesn't have the top end power as Ryan's products.

Is this run expected to be short like many other products produced?
Definitely an around the house portable. But if you really wanted you can throw it in a backpack since the button pressing isn't as much of an issue now. I feel a lot safer taking the 2ZM outside than then the Zion or Milaana since those have exposed glass. I can't break anything on the 2ZM which is a relief. Also the extra battery life of the 2ZM is nice for passing it around to friends without needing to bring extra batts

I agree, I love the vapor these heaters produce. Really brings me back to things like the Vriptech wand. First time I hit that glass wand I thought I combusted because there was so much vapor but nope, the vapor was blue-ish and the weed was still green? That's what got me hooked and I've been searching out pure, simple vapor experiences that provide huuuuge performance ever since

Yes this 2ZM run will be short! If you want a 2ZM please order asap so you can get the exotic woods you are after! We only have so much and once we finish we will be moving on to the desktop vape I believe. Buy a piece of vaporizer history when you get a 2ZM! Plastic vapes & internal battery vapes come and go but artisanal wood vapes are forever :rockon:
I know you weren’t asking me, but I’m torn. This is probably not for me; i sold my Zion M because it was a bit too over the top for me and this sounds like it might be even more so. But it is kind of beautiful in a brutalist kind of way. What are they running for?
Beautiful in a brutalist kind of way-- I love it! $229 is starting price. Zion M was a beast but the 2ZM is a refined beast. Much easier to use :)
State secretary. Idiocy aside, $USD229 is the starting price and I too am torn. There's the tempest and this vying for my attention. And there's no usage videos for this yet with the tempest dropping this weekend...
I will get usage vids posted as soon as I can! Ryan has an Herbaltherm Youtube (listed above) that has a growing list of videos on the 2ZM. If you are on Instagram you can watch me use the 2ZM over there anytime. Heck I am happy to video chat with any FCer on Instagram or elsewhere--I will use the 2ZM, answer questions, whatever you need!
Its a walnut select heater, and cherry battery box.

The 2ZMs looked damn pretty on IG. It looks even better in person.

I cant fault the craftmanship. This is functional wooden art.

Okay i had my first go.

The first word that comes to mind is it feels like a train. When you hold down the buttons the heat is not instant, it needs time for that big coil to heat up. However when it gets to temp the heater has a lot of surface area and a lot of momemtum.

In regards to the conduction element, i need more goes to make a judgement. There is a momentum to it. Is this stored conduction heat? Or just the massive coil taking time to heat up? Not sure. My guess is the later, but thats not my final answer, need more time.

One tiny pinch seems to have got me to cloud nine. It does hit your hard. I think its going to be very economical.

So did the leap of faith come off? I paid a slightly crazy, slightly eractic mad scientist / fireman across the pond to make me a vape. I knew things would be a bit up and down, and there was some risk it might not even happen.

It happened and so far it does not disappoint.
Amazing pics,:rockon:I agree it definitely feels like a train. The coil is twice the surface area in the same amount of space I believe. He really has to jam the beefy heater in there haha.

If you ever want to post your own usage videos please send them to me and I'll post them on Herbaltherm and I'll send you some free stems too :)
Compared to your Milana, the power is significantly more powerful? Or is it close?
I'm trying to figure out if the excessive size of this vaporizer is worth it
Compared to the Milaana there is significantly more power AND significantly more control which is the biggest upgrade in my opinion. The 2ZM is soooo easy to use compared to the Milaana. I am getting wonderful vapor every time and none of the hot-air hits convection vapes give out near the end of a bowl. I think the big size justifies itself when you experience the great performance. I haven't touched the batteries yet--something I'd do daily with the Milaana :)
I will certainly say, I am not up to date on all that is currently available on the market. I also forgot to mention Lamart products.

I am sure there others I have missed, but the market is certainly not deep for on demand instant convection, and really mostly smaller boutique shops making and selling themselves.

I do want one, but not pulling the trigger at the moment. I may still get in while still available

Beautiful unit. Glad to see pictures of another. enjoy
I also miss small boutique shops making artisan/heirloom vaporizers that I want to keep forever. It's my favorite niche in the vape space

Reach out to me if you want to pull the trigger on a 2ZM! Let's see what I can do. You are an OG from the original Zion days so I gotta get you one. Thanks for always posting pics of all of Ryan's wacky inventions over the years :freak:
Any vids out in the wild of this in action?
We will have usage vids out soon! Herbaltherm Youtube <<That's the main youtube. I will post vids here as well.
Do you use Instagram? I can send you vids of us using the 2ZM over there. If not no worries I'll have vids out soon!
I’m happy with form and function. Worth every cent for a unique device.
Gorgeous pics! Thanks for stopping into the Live too. So happy you're loving it! If you ever want to make a usage vid please send it to me and I'll post it on Herbaltherm and send you free stems!

This goes for everyone -- if anyone has a 2ZM and wants to make a short vid let me know! It'll help me out a ton and I'll post your vids all over with credit. Make a video and I'll send you free stems :rockon:


I hope everyone is having an amazing week! Reach out to me if you have questions about the 2ZM

Last thing---we will be doing giveaways on Instagram collaborating with amazing artists like @GoodVibesBoro and possibly @Zasquatch to give away their amazing stems! Make sure to follow their accounts on IG as well as Herbaltherm so you can win a free, next-level cooling stem that'll work with all your 19mm stem vapes :)



Hi Folks. Here is my Walnut and Cherry select 2ZM. I like the fit and finish on all but the battery door. It’s not really bad just not as solid as the rest. It’s larger than expected and I have had a Zion and Zion M. I like this one the best of the 3. It wasn’t until I held buttons for about 5seconds that I started getting a slight charred taste. At 3 seconds on the buttons all is good. I am using RBT wpa and loading the joint and that’s good for a nice session. A home portable with plenty of power to spare. I like it😎


Vape swap shop

The more i use the 2ZM, the more i like it.

The heater feels more balanced than the Milaana, better suited for a DHV.

I might be experiencing a Honeymoon period, but this could be a new favourite. I am enjoying the manual aspect more than i thoight i would.


Well-Known Member
Those who own one, do you find you have to ride the button or is extraction just that quick?
A little from column A and a little from column B. That initial heat up takes a little bit. Still faster than most vapes just not Milaana fast. I've really started going with what Ryan said in that one video. Engage the heater for like 10 seconds and then give it 10 or 20 seconds (he says 30 but I feel like that's too much) to soak some heat into the stem. Then I get to ripping. Once that heater gets hot it really holds onto the heat so the rebound is quicker. Though I don't feel like I need to button flutter nearly as much as the Milaana
The more i use the 2ZM, the more i like it.

The heater feels more balanced than the Milaana, better suited for a DHV.

I might be experiencing a Honeymoon period, but this could be a new favourite. I am enjoying the manual aspect more than i thoight i would.
I feel that. If it was pocketable I'd be my carry right now. Honestly made me dig out my Splinter V2 and a DNA75 mod and it's been my pocket carry since I got the 2ZM. Speaking of... if anyone's got a good profile for that hook a brother up. I haven't updated this mod in forever so I'm rocking like a 7 or 8 year old profile right now.


Well-Known Member
I'm still debating whether to buy a 2ZM.
I recently bought a tempest so my budget is limited, but the 2ZM in maple which I find very pretty is at a good price.
But what stops me is that there is no video to see how it works! See the performance of this vaporizer, see the extraction after an extraction ect.

For people like me who are not used to this type of vaping it is essential to make our choice 🤷🏻


Well-Known Member
I'm still debating whether to buy a 2ZM.
I recently bought a tempest so my budget is limited, but the 2ZM in maple which I find very pretty is at a good price.
But what stops me is that there is no video to see how it works! See the performance of this vaporizer, see the extraction after an extraction ect.

For people like me who are not used to this type of vaping it is essential to make our choice 🤷🏻
Even though he got someone to do his customer service... Ryan is still on insta live like 3 times a day on his old rbt account. I bet if you hit up one of his lives and asked for a demo he'd do it if he has a finished one handy. I could try to do something for you but I'm not really set up for it and I got kids so I'm not sure how helpful it would be.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
But what stops me is that there is no video to see how it works! See the performance of this vaporizer, see the extraction after an extraction ect.

For people like me who are not used to this type of vaping it is essential to make our choice 🤷🏻

I thought yoosh did post a video? I think in one of the lives he popped in to use it briefly... I don't know, videos were not always a thing, certainly not for every vape, I never used to rely on it for a purchase personally


Well-Known Member
I'm still debating whether to buy a 2ZM.
I recently bought a tempest so my budget is limited, but the 2ZM in maple which I find very pretty is at a good price.
But what stops me is that there is no video to see how it works! See the performance of this vaporizer, see the extraction after an extraction ect.

For people like me who are not used to this type of vaping it is essential to make our choice 🤷🏻
Tune in this coming monday @ 10pm for next live if you can (and have instagram). Tons of 2zm use for you to check out im sure! 💯 🔥


Well-Known Member
Tune in this coming monday @ 10pm for next live if you can (and have instagram). Tons of 2zm use for you to check out im sure! 💯 🔥
Yeah, no good for me as I'm on the other side of the globe and working then.

I thought yoosh did post a video? I think in one of the lives he popped in to use it briefly... I don't know, videos were not always a thing, certainly not for every vape, I never used to rely on it for a purchase personally
Conversely, I've never bought one without at least a demo video of usage. Don't need a full blown review, just one bowl is more than enough for me so I can see how quick it can extract, if it's fiddly etc.


Well-Known Member
I thought yoosh did post a video? I think in one of the lives he popped in to use it briefly... I don't know, videos were not always a thing, certainly not for every vape, I never used to rely on it for a purchase personally
I'm young, 23 years old and for me not seeing a video in action for each vape I buy is very prohibitive.
We are all different sir 🤷🏻

Tune in this coming monday @ 10pm for next live if you can (and have instagram). Tons of 2zm use for you to check out im sure! 💯 🔥
Cool 😎
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Well-Known Member
Ok guys... I did the best I could for you. Kind of hard to see cause I don't take videos and I was trying to keep my face out of it while vaping and holding the phone with the other hand. I got kids and work jobs that ignore what I do as long as there's not like blatant evidence lol.

I just did the first one. It's kinda hard to see the button presses but I did a preheat and waited a little bit before the hit. All the other 2 off camera were about the same duration with no preheat and wait. Here's the results

I don't do a whole lot of picture/video taking so they're not the best but it should give you a decent idea.

Grass Yes

Staff member
I'm young, 23 years old and for me not seeing a video in action for each vape I buy is very prohibitive.
I'm sure you have been around the scene long enough to know also how useless a video can be. There are threads litterered with videos that actually don't show the performance of the vapes at all. Especially how easy it is to make a vape look more impressive by adding concentrate and turning up the heat.

I don't mind a video but I also have seen plenty of impressive videos for pretty terrible vapes.

Back on topic, I'm sure the 2ZM is fun, and it sounds like a real improvement on the ZionM. I'm certain you'll see even more videos and reviews from members here soon.
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Well-Known Member
I don't do a whole lot of picture/video taking so they're not the best but it should give you a decent idea.
Thank you very much for taking the time.
That's really nice of you.

I don't mind a video but I also have seen plenty of impressive videos for pretty terrible vapes.
Yes I understand your point of view, but a demonstrative video is always welcome.
It is for these reasons that I was able to buy vapes like the TP80, ZX, Tempest and a few others... and that I am completely satisfied with them.
This is imperative for me.
But I agree with you on the manipulations to make a vape more impressive than others.
But I'm just not used to vapes like 2ZM. Unlike you, this is new to me.
I need to know how it works, and see the real performance of this thing


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much for taking the time.
That's really nice of you.

Yes I understand your point of view, but a demonstrative video is always welcome.
It is for these reasons that I was able to buy vapes like the TP80, ZX, Tempest and a few others... and that I am completely satisfied with them.
This is imperative for me.
But I agree with you on the manipulations to make a vape more impressive than others.
But I'm just not used to vapes like 2ZM. Unlike you, this is new to me.
I need to know how it works, and see the real performance of this thing
Not a problem. I get the desire to have as much info as you can before you shell out. The downside to these small batch/artisan vapes is that you usually end up kind of gambling on it or missing out. And unregulated vapes are kinda different... much more feel to them. A lot more trial and error like manual vapes... but also like manuals there's a different level of on the fly control. It's one of those things you're really not really gonna know if you like it till you try one for awhile.
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